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Chapter Five : Loyalty

" Yes this is good cashmere , its good as fuck. Do you know that we can now rob this nigga and his whole crew blind " Dhaz exclaimed .

Cashmere grew confused as she watched her brother hop up and down the living room in excitement . She had just came from her outing with Riq and she told them all about how he said he'd put them down with their team and Dhaz was too excited .

" Wait y'all still wanna rob the nigga ? That's too close to home Dhaz " Yanni spoke up. She didn't want to be a enemy of GMBAM because them niggas were ruthless.

" Yeah why ? " Cash asked confused . Honestly she didn't want to set him up , she really liked him and felt like they could go somewhere as far as a relationship .

" Because that nigga is the king and even though he's putting us on his team he's still at the top of the food chain he's eating better than everyone . I wanna be the king and i'm gonna be it " Dhaz said .

Tez coughed . " Correction, we're gonna be he kings " He said making sure to include Tez and Q .

Yanni looked at him and shook her head . Dhaz was a grimy ass nigga . Riq was willing to put him on his team to help him make bread something he didn't have to do and he's still trying to take him out because of his greed for money and power .

He was selfish he wanted everything to himself , she knew he said it right the first time he wanted to be the king of the streets and he wasn't planning on sharing it with anyone , not even his best friends .

Greed was gonna be the death of him and she knew it. She just hoped her best friend was smart enough to get away from him before she got dragged down with him .

" Cash come with me in your room , I have to tell you something " Yanni said.

" Okay " Cash said . They both walked to her room and took a seat on the mattress. Yanni noticed Cash look at Riq from her window and crack a smile .

" Please tell me you're not still gonna set that boy up " Yanni said.

" I don't want to " Cash admitted .

" Then dont " Yanni said .

" You don't get it , Dhaz - " before she could finish Yanni cut her off .

" Dhaz is a grown man capable of making his own choices . If he wants to set Riq up let him do it himself but don't let him drag you down with him . Cash that boy really likes you and you know this but if you fuck him over none of that will matter to him . GMBAM are ruthless and I don't want you on the end of their wrath , loyalty is big to them " Yanni said .

" I know but I can't let Dhaz do it all on his own , he's taken care of me for years so I have- " Yanni cut her off again.

" You don't have to do anything Cashmere . I get it Dhaz took care of you but you didn't ask him to do that , it's not your fault your mother got hooked on drugs and left y'all alone and let's be real he didn't do much but steal clothes and food for y'all . If anything Diane raised you. When you got your period she taught you how to use a pad , she was the one combing your hair everyday , she taught you how to cook . " Yanni said.

" You don't get it Ayanna that's my brother , my blood " Cash defended .

" I know but that's a suicide mission and you know it . Let's say y'all do get away with robbing him you don't think he won't find out ? He'll kill everybody involved including you . That nigga killed his own cousin for stealing from him . He killed him and was his paul bearer , cried at his funeral and everything . I love you and I know you love Dhaz but don't let him be the cause of your death " Yanni said .

Cash looked out her window and her eyes widened once she seen Riq holding some man gun point . She walked over to her window and cracked it open so she could hear what he was saying .

" Where the fuck my money at James ? " He yelled pressing the gun harder on his temple .

" I'm sorry , but I had to spend it my mom's was in the dark " James said.

" See James you my nigga , nah fuck that you like my brother . What am I big on ? " Riq asked him .

" Loyalty "James said .

" What else nigga ? " Riq said .

" Honesty and Respect " James answered.

" The thing about me is i'm not no selfish ass nigga . I'm an only child so GMBAM y'all are my brothers . If i'm eating y'all eating with me . Had you came to me like a man and told me I would've let you keep the money but nah you wanna be slick " Riq said .

" Killing me ain't gonna get you the money back though " James said .

" It's not about the money James don't you see that . You stole from me , that's what it's about and not only did you steal from me you lied about it . Earlier when I asked you where the money was you told me you had it at the house and you was gonna give it to me later but now you're telling me that you spent it on your mamas light bill . So not only are you a thief but you're a liar as well " Riq said.

" Give me a chance to get the money back bruh , if you kill me my mama gonna be struggling " James said .

" I don't give second chances , you fuck over me once and it's over. I love you bro , I'd make sure to take care of your moms and pay for you a nice funeral " He said as he pressed the trigger firing a shot in his head .

Cash gasped as she watched James body fall onto the ground . Riq looked up at her and blew her a kiss , he knew she was watching him the whole time . He purposely brought James to the Alley by her window , this was his test of her loyalty to see if she was gonna keep her mouth shut it was also him giving her a warning of what's he do to her if she fucked over him . He wasn't worried about going to jail because the police didn't come to the bricks at all .

" Don't end up like James " Yanni warned her friend as she stood up and walked out of the room . She wanted no parts of what Dhaz was planning , robbing niggas out of town was one thing but to rob a crew that lived in the same neighborhood as them was retarded .

Cash closed and locked her window and laid back on her bed. She had a lot to think about she couldn't leave dhaz hanging because he never left her hanging , he was always there for her and he always had her back but she didn't want to die .

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