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Chapter Twenty : Tough Realizations

" Arnold ? " Cash asked hoping she was talking about her step father Arnold . Cash didn't know anything about Hazels real father all she knew was that she claimed Arnold , her moms husband as her dad but it wasn't rocket science it didn't take her long to put the pieces together in her head . What would be the odds of two men dying the same day of the same cause , she knew Curtis had to be biological father .

" No I told you Arnold is my step daddy I just claim him as my dad because he took care of me and my brother when my father left . My real dad name is Curtis , I don't really talk to him much and I kind of feel bad because my grand mother kept telling me to just go and see him and I feel bad because we weren't on good terms and haven't seen him in years " Hazel vented .

Cash stood quietly for a minute not knowing what to say . She was still trying to process everything " Damn Haze " she mumbled .

" and he tried so hard to get me and my brother to come and see him just to spend some time with him and we refused every single time because we chose out moms side . Maybe that's why he started taking drugs , maybe it's my fault " Hazel said crying harder as she sat on Cash's bed.

Cash looked at her and shed a few tears of her own . If she didn't feel bad before she definitely felt like shit now . " It's not your fault Hazel , and I don't think your father would hold a grudge against you for not coming to see him , i'm pretty sure he still loved you the same " Cash said trying to cheer her up but she wasn't good in these kinds of situation especially not this one because she was the cause .

" Can I chill out here for a while ? I can't be at home because my brother is acting all nonchalant and my mom is saying all kinds of fucked up things like that's what he gets and I can't be around that right now " Hazel said .

" I have to go and help Coco out with something so i'm about to head over there but you're welcome to stay here " Cash said . She was lying she didn't have to help Coco out with anything but there was no way in hell she could be in the same room with Hazel at the moment , her guilt would eat her alive .

" Okay thanks " Hazel sniffled .

Cash went to the bathroom taking care of her daily hygiene and quickly dressed hurrying out of the house . When she pulled up to Coco's building she seen him sitting on the porch putting braids in someone's hair . She got out of the car and slowly walked up to them " hey friend , is your door unlock ? " she asked him.

" yeah but what's wrong with you , why do you have that look on your face ? " He asked .

" I'll tell you when you finish " She said as she turned and walked into his house . She sat on his couch for about an hour texting back and forth with cameron until Coco walked inside followed by Yanni .

" Now what's up ? " Coco asked as he and Yanni sat on either side of her on the couch .

" Okay you know Curtis right ?" Cash asked talking to Coco because obviously Yanni knew who he was .

" The fine ass sugar daddy who's in love with you ? " Coco asked .

" Uh yeah I guess .. anyways me and yanni got into some shit . she stole from this man who we didn't know was in GMBAM and we owed him twelve k .. so long shorty short I agreed to go out with Curtis so I can rob him but I accidentally killed him " Cash explained.

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