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All Kaylin could think about was how she had did Nyla. She didn't ever think she would be in this position to put a man over her cousin and best friend. She didn't do it with Monty and she hate she had did it with Dinero bitch ass. She missed Nyla like crazy and wanted so badly to call and apologize to her and tell her what was really going on but Dinero was ten steps ahead of her and took her phone.

Speaking of him, he rarely came back to check on Kaylin being that he was the reason she was there in the first place. Kaylin so badly wished she coulda kept business with him simply that. He was a very manipulative man and she could see that more than ever. Now all she had to do was figure out how she was going to leave and go to rehab without him killing her.

"Kaylin you up?" The nurse asked as she walked in with a breakfast she knows Kaylin was not going to eat.

She had been in the hospital for a week since she was old enough to say she didn't want to go to rehab right then. Which she knew was a lie. She only said it because Dinero was in the room when she made her decision.

All Kay seemed to do was sit in her bed, looking out the window just hoping to see a familiar face. She knew Nyla wasn't gonna come because once she said something her mind was stuck on that. At this moment in time Kaylin wished she had never pushed away Monty.

"Look Kaylin I need you to eat for me please. It's been a week and we know that's not good for the baby." The nurse said as she sat on the end of the hospital bed.

Yeah, baby. Kaylin found out three days ago she was pregnant and she already knew it was Dinero's baby which made her sick to her fucking stomach. A baby was not in her game plan for now but there was no way she would abort her child. She needed to get better now more than ever.

"I will." She lied with a scratchy voice being that she hadn't spoke either.

"Kaylin I haven't known you too long but I know when someone is lying to me. We have more to think about now." She said with a slight smirk as she stood up and left giving Kaylin more privacy.

Kaylin hadn't told anyone she was pregnant not even Lavell. She viewed Lavell as a really good friend but the bitch couldn't hold water for nothing. Kaylin already knew she told them bitches at the club about what happened. She really wished she hadn't pushed Nyla away for Dinero but in a way she thought she was protecting them both.


"How you feeling beautiful?" Tatum asked Nyla as she laid on his tatted chest.

She was still a little hurt by what the fuck happened with Kaylin a week ago so she had been mopey. She also hadn't heard from Monty in a few days so at the moment Tatum was all she had.

"I'm fine. I just never thought she'd do me that way but I'm fine baby."

"I'm here for you mamas."

Tatum had really did a three sixty since him and Nyla became official. He was still learning to be more compassionate and adapt to the beings of a woman. He had a lot to learn but Nyla proved she wasn't going to go anywhere. She was down for the ride because she was honestly in love with Tatum.

"Thank you baby. What's been up with the shop and shit? Enough talking about me." She said with a smile.

"Everything's good except the fact that Kal been MIA and word in the streets is it's because of your boy Monty being back in the game and Kal owing him some money."

Nyla had heard about Monty being back in the game but to be honest he was a grown ass man so it didn't affect her too much as long as he kept the drama away from her and kept himself save.

"Wow. Amber called me the other day and said he threatened Jamie to get her to get Amber to give him ten thousand dollars to give to Monty. I felt so bad because she really thought he was her friend and for him to do that to her girlfriend was crazy."

"You right. Kal always been a little skeptical ass nigga to me but he told me he wouldn't ever bring shit to my shop so I gave him a chance."

"You're such a good man babe." She said leaning up and kissing his full lips.

All they did all day was watch movies and eat snacks after they took a bath together that morning. Tatum was all Nyla ever wanted even though he was a tough pill to swallow at times but she knew he was learning and she was still trying to heal from X and give love a try again.

"I love you." He said.

"And I love you."

Dinero walked through the hospital doors with a smile and some flowers. He tried his hardest to keep his good boy image even though he was far from good. His smile dropped as soon as he got outside Kaylin's door. Something told him to sit back and wait for a while so that's what's he did.

"Okay so listen to me Kaylin as I said earlier you have another person to think about now. You've been here a week and you haven't eaten. I know you were on heavy drugs while your accident happen which caused you to be here now but you have to get help and you need it fast. That baby is what's important right now. If you need help leaving him I will give you my number when you're getting discharged sometime this week but you have to leave him Kaylin and soon." The nurse said.

Dinero's eyes started to twitch as he get himself getting pissed the fuck off. He squeezed the flowers in his hand as tight as possible imagining they were Kaylin's head. He said fuck it and burst through the door not giving a fuck about that nurse or nobody else.

Instantly his size thirteen Jordan shoes led him right up to Kaylin's side as he snatched her hair tightly and literally pulled her from the bed, not giving a single fuck about the IV connected to her hand. There was no possible way she was leaving him.

The nurse had never seen no shit like this so she started to scream and beg him to stop. When she said she'd call the police it's like something clicked in Dinero's head as he looked her in the eyes and still held on to Kaylin's hair and said,

"When you call them be sure to tell them pigs they gon have a dead body ready for the morgue in no time." He said as he dragged Kaylin through the lobby, not caring that people watched.

ok so i really wanna make sure we all on the same page.

this book is about tatum and nyla & their bad luck with love but like i said before there's people around them that has a story too so this story is omniscient to everyone around them as well.

vote. comment and allat good shit.

ANNOUNCEMENT: i'm thinking about maybe doing a sequel on this book but me and sequels do not get alone(IE precipice 2) but this book gets a lot of love so i'm hoping that IF i decide to do this sequel i will not fail it. WE SHALL SEE.

also thinking about getting this book to either 40-50 chapters.

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