Chapter 1

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It's been a year since I let go of my best friend, basic mom-to-son discipliner, and the only girl who has ever stolen my heart, Andie Walsh. I encouraged her to get what she wanted during prom, and even helped her through their relationship together for the past year with Blane McDonough, whom I still hate for stealing my childhood crush. Not that I will ever admit it, but deep down inside he can probably still feel the tention between us, even after I let him have her.

I did it for her anyway. I don't need to be nice to the boyfriend of my bestfriend. It's not my duty. But it is my duty, to be with my bestfriend in the entire world whenever they fought or just didn't get along.

"Hey, Duckie, there's someone asking for the latest tapes that came in this morning. Go tend to them!"

Iona yelled as she rushed to the upstairs to check on her new favorite TV show if it was on. I was sitting next to the cash register with my feet up until I heard Iona's request then stood up to approach the man who was looking through the new cassette tapes.

Iona gave me a job at Trax, the Record store after I graduated. I guess she liked me and figured that I wouldn't be looking for a job myself and offered this to make sure I did something 'adult' like for once. Thanks to Andie, I did graduate on time and even gave me her spot at the store as she went on to College.

She's not that far, only thirty minutes away from this town unto the next, so I still visit her every evening after my shift. It's an effort but, it's worth it. Plus, I upgraded my bike to a 'new' motorcycle that I got half the price from old man Duncan. It was a graduation gift from my mom, whom only gave me half the money to pay for the half priced bike. I had to borrow money from Iona and I'm currently finishing paying the rest of my debt, today.

"What can I get you sir?"

I asked the tall man in a trench coat as he looked at me through his shiney black glasses.

"Do you work here, young man?"

He asked, looking all suspicious about pete knows what. Maybe it was the way I'm dressed, but I'm sure it wasn't that.

"Uh, yeah, sir."

He nodded as he scanned the box full of new tapes, totally ignoring my presence and my early offer for help. I mouthed, "okay" then went back behind the counter into my seat until he called for me again saying,

"Come back here, son. I need you."

Sighing inside, I stood up and walked towards the man again and waited until he told me what he wanted me to find. I stood there for 2 solid minutes that felt like two years until I finally snapped saying,

"Look, man if you don't want me to help you, I'll just be in the counter right across you."

I tried to say politely, but the man just looked at me behind his thick glasses then continued to look at the tapes until he wasn't even at the tape box anymore. I stomped my way back into my seat and took out the comic book that I was reading. "Ugh, what am I doing with my life??" I questioned myself as I sighed aloud gliding my hand across my hair.

I'm not lying when I say I feel held back in life. All my pals are out there away from this shack of a town living their lives, Andie's in College being her amazing self, even Blane is doing better than me. But that's just what you expect from a person who's a Richie. And Duckie Dale, isn't doing too hot.

"Is this 10 dollars? American dollars??"

The man from before called my attention while holding up a cassette tape with the title, 'Remain in Light' by Talking Heads. I gestured to stand up but he insisted I stayed there saying,

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