Chapter 6

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There are times in life where things happen even when you never thought they would. It could be a good thing, like when you get asked out to prom by the prettiest girl in school, or when you've been drawn from the lottery box for a life time supply of Mac n' Cheese. It could also however, be not at all good. Like when you were misunderstood and got suspended from school just because you were trying to save a kid from getting beat up, or when you were hiding at the side of an officers desk and was called out because an insane drunk-gun-shooting driver wanted a word with you.


I hesitate to say, with a shakey hand on my chest. The chief gave a sturn look outside the door, indicating that there was no other way.

"isn't there any other way chief? He's the victim, it's not wise to talk to him without a Lawyer."

Officer Channing, the other policeman who stayed with me in the office said. I knew the Chief knew that even without him addressing it, otherwise he wouldn't even be Chief. He let out a huge sigh and explained that,

"He won't back down. He threatened to shoot himself if I wouldn't let the kid speak to him. Look kid, this may seem scary. But don't you worry, we got your back."

I stared at him for a minute, hesitating to get up. I was beyond terrified at this point that I couldn't feel my legs anymore. Why would this man, whom I swear, have never met before want to talk to me? Is it so he could convince me not to sue him? If that was the case he didn't have to go through all this trouble cause I really wasn't planning to.

I finally told my legs to stand up and walk towards the chief, hiding my hands in my pockets to not show how humiliatingly pee-in-my-pants scared I was.

"You're shaking, I can tell. Don't worry we're right behind you, kid."

Channing whispered at me as we approuched the door. Not gonna lie, I think he may only be a few years older than me, if not just a year. So I wasn't too believing in him. You see, I'm more of a 'God'll save me, no one else can' kinda guy, which I guess explains why I only have a couple' a friends cause, I don't have faith in anyone. Not even myself.

I held my hands in a fist to stop me from shaking, as I saw what was outside the Chief officer's office. Filing papers were everywhere, an actual bullet hole in one of the desk-barricade they had made, and a bunch of policemen holding their guns next to their chest. The Chief officer gave a look that could have meant anything at that moment, but I chose to see it as a, 'stand by while I inform the man you're here' look.

"Stand down Portman, we're just opening up the barrickade for the boy to enter."

"I told you and your men a million times, my name's Jim!! I hate that wretched name they gone put in my papers."

Portman, I mean Jim said with a snarl. My heart raced every step I took nearing the opening of the barrickade. Officer Channing gave me a steady look, like I shouldn't be afraid cause they weren't gonna let anything bad happen to me. But I bet anyone whose as cowardly and un-believing as me, won't not be afraid anymore just because a man told me not too.

I took a few steps forward, forcing my legs to move each time I got closer to
where I was visible to him. Finally he saw me, and I saw him. It took a few seconds till he spoke, it took me a millisecond to be sure I wanted to disappear from this world. But when I stopped freaking out for just a second, I noticed he actually just looks like an average guy. He had a decent built for a guy who looks like he's in his late 40's, and had black hair underneath his trucker hat. He wore overalls that surprisingly did not make him look like a farmer, and some boots that looked like they've seen better days. So yeah, besides the fact that he had a gun on his head, he seemed like an old regular joe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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