Chapter 3

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"Oh shoot."

Was the words that scrambled through my head. Along with other sentences like, "I knew it," "That no good son of a bill," and phrases like, "this is my chance," "How could he," and "How's Andie gonna react." I rubbed my eyes, checking if what I saw was right, and when I realized I wasn't hallucinating, I turned away to stare at Andie with a distressed look. My gosh, did she see what I saw?? She must've seen. But the longer I stared into her dark brown eyes, I noticed she was looking in a completely different direction as where I saw 'it.'

"Duckie, what the heck, is there something on my face?"

Andie said, probably noticing me staring at her in an uneasy way. I came out of my thoughts and shook my head, looking back out the window to where I saw Blaine and his mistake. What the freak? They suddenly disappeared! I scanned the school area with little movement in my head to avoid Andie noticing me being all weird. Suddenly I saw them crossing the road toward us! The're totally going inside the diner.

"AaaaAaah, Andie, it's gettin' real cold in this area. Lets move over there, waaaay back there! Away from the air-condition!"

I grinned forcefully, getting up without waiting for her approval to change seats. Andie looked at me with confusion, then scanned the area looking for the air conditioner then saw that it was way back there, where I wanted to move.

"But it's really warm hear, and the air conditioner is right over there?"

"I ment to say that it's really hot in this area and my jacket's really warm so lets move back there, where it's cold!"

I quickly said, grabbing her arm as I tugged her gently to walk in a fast paste with me. She scrunched her eye brows at me, but just followed seeing that I REALLY wanted to move at the very back.

We sat down slower than we walked to the booth, way back from the diner. I sat at the end where I could see the door and convinced Andie to sit to the end where she couldn't see anyone but me and a couple of servers coming out of the kitchen.

"Duckie, what's going on?"

Andie asked when she probably noticed how anxious and nervous looking I was. I took a glimps of the door, hoping they wouldn't enter before I looked back at Andie and said,

"I'm fine! I'm just, peachy, remember?"

"If it's about what we talked about earlier, I'm sorry if I haven't been there lately. I didn't mean to suddenly disappear that month."

I was half listening and half guarding the door as Andie talked about the month she left for no reason. It was the week before graduation, when Andie's dad had passed. After the day of graduation, she just suddenly left like she didn't even exist in the first place. I guess she just wanted to be alone, but she told everyone that she was going to go away for a month but me. Best friend? What a load of trash. I thought of that the whole time she was gone. She told Iona, Jessie the girl who also used to work at Trax, obviously Blaine, even that kid who kept attempting to steal something from Trax knew! Just not me, the 'best friend.'

"I didn't mean to hurt you by not telling you, I just knew you would follow me if I told you where I would go."

I guess she was right. I would have followed her the moment she would have told me. But that was just wrong of her to do. I couldn't keep myself from talking to her the day she came back, even if I did originally planned to give her the silent treatment. It just wasn't me to do so. Anyway, I let that bit go way back then. It doesn't bother me anymore. Still, I don't like talking about it and that's why she never brought it up until now.

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