Chapter 5

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It was after 10pm when I finally got back to my motorcycle and into the open road, leaving the cold stares of the people who saw me leave probably the biggest apartment on the street. I left the place and went back to my shabby own town quicker than fish can climb up mountain streams. I passed by Trax before heading home, realizing I forgot something there, hoping Iona hasn't fallen asleep yet.

*knock knock*

No one answered the door after waiting for a few minutes. Figures, she fell asleep. Remembering that Iona had just given me a key of the place, I immediately took it out of my pocket and into the door knob, instantly opening the door. I kept the lights off cause I didn't want to wake up Iona with the loud noise the lights make when they open, and I memorize the place so well that I knew exactly where the the island counter was were I placed my tape of The Smiths, so there was no need for the lights to be turned on.

Quickly I got to the counter, tripping over a few boxes that I was gonna finish sealing tomorrow. I felt the stuff around the table, searching for a small, rectangle-shaped, plastic box when suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder as I gasped,


My arms started to swing behind me as I saw Iona with a wooden baseball bat, ready to swing for my head, looking like a crazy person.

"Iona?? What the heck!?"

I gasped with a tiny bit of frustration at the tone of my voice, She turned on the lights that made the most annoying sound ever, and saw her with her night mask on. And let me tell ya, it was NOT a pretty sight to look at.

"Duckie?! Gosh darn it, what did I tell you about not sneaking around this place while I'm still here!?"

Iona grumbled, lowering her bat that almost hit me in the head just a second ago. I jumped on immediately to expain exactly what I was doing here this time of night.

"Look, I didn't come here to snoop around! I forgot my tape is all, no need to go around swinging that death stick of yours!"

"Well, how was I suppose to know!? You kept all the lights off thinkin' a ghost was wrecking all my records!!"

"I didn't want to wake you!"

We both let out a sorta relief, sorta stressed-out sigh, as we calmed ourselves from all that yelling. We each took deep breaths in and started talking calmly again.

"Okay, I'm sorry I barged in like I own the place. I should've called you first. Or atleast turned on the lights."

I chuckled while telling Iona what I should've done. She gave out another sigh, with a smile this time as she chuckled as well saying,

"Oh kid, it was a good thing to have not turn the lights. This shabby place makes it sound like a lown mower with some old shirt stuck on it's shreds."

She jokingly said, placing her bat on the counter near the cash register. I giggled as I grabbed my Smiths tape and placed it inside my inner blazer pocket.

"But you know, you DO own this place. I don't want to hear you ever denying that fact, you hear me?"

Iona continued on, pointing at me like my mother used to whenever I told her I hated school, or when she tells me to get a better-paying job. I smiled as I gently picked up the boxes I tripped over just now, until I froze alittle when Iona asked about you-know-who.

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