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Later that afternoon, everyone sat around the kitchen table, awake but heads pounding.

"I wonder how Chen did on the interview," Minseok mused. "I hope he got accepted."

"Me too," said Yixing. "He worked hard studying for that interview. And it's a job he's wanted for a while, now."

They all glanced down at their phones, waiting for a call from their beloved friend.


"Wow, this tastes so good! You should try some, Minseok." Jongdae handed some fried cake to the flustered man.

"Oh . . . thanks." Minseok accepted the plate and placed it into his mouth. He usually didn't like fried foods, except chicken, but this one didn't taste that bad.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were talking to Yixing.

"Your Korean is really good," Baekhyun commented. "How long did it take you to learn?"

Yixing shrugged. "I just studied hard when I had the time. I also improved more when Xiumin came to China."

"Xiumin?" Chanyeol frowned. "Who's that?"

"I mean Minseok. We called him Xiumin in China."

"Xiumin?" Jongdae also joined the conversation. "Xiumin hyung," he said to Minseok. "Ooh, that sounds good. How did you come up with that name?"

Minseok probably would have choked on his food if he hadn't swallowed it already. "Um, I didn't. A friend I met there came up with it for me." For some reason, he looked directly at Yixing after he said this. Yixing didn't look back, choosing to walk off to talk with Suho, instead.

Jongdae, who had followed Minseok's line of vision, nudged him. "You know, I don't think your friend likes me very much," he said in a low tone. "He always goes away whenever I try to approach him and barely replies whenever I talk to him."

"Really?" Minseok frowned, looking back at his Chinese friend. He had grown comfortable with Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho, and even Sehun, but it was true that Minseok had never seen Yixing interact with Jongdae for more than five seconds. Minseok was wondering if he should go talk to Yixing, but then someone walked onto the stage.

"Hello, everyone," he said with a huge smile. "My name is Leeteuk, and I will be your host for this afternoon."

As everyone clapped, Suho and Yixing also returned.

"Now, the mood is pretty good so far, but I think it can improve, don't you think so?"

"YES!" Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongdae yelled loudly.

The MC let out a small laugh. "Nice to see you all so pumped up. Especially you three over there," he said, pointing in the direction of the trio who had yelled. "Now, I will introduce the first act.

"It was quite hard to have her agree to come," Leeteuk began. "She works as a DJ at night, but is also known as a dancing queen in the afternoon."

Sehun straightened, looking surprised. "Oh, I think I know who this is."

"Ladies and gentlemen, here comes . . . HYO!"

Jongdae's eyes also lit up. "Wow, she's really famous! I can't believe I'm going to see her perform live."

A female with bleached blonde hair and pink edges hopped onto the stage.

"Hey, everybody. My name is Hyoyeon, Hyo, or DJ Hyo, whichever you all prefer," she said as the music started playing. "Now, are you all ready to have some fun?"

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