The Four: Niall

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Can you guess what element each one of them might be yet? ;) Haha Hope you guys like it so far! Please comment!



            They were chasing me. I couldn’t believe that they were chasing me through the park. After I had run away I thought I was safe… Until I heard the footsteps beating on the pavement behind.

            “Were coming for you buddy!” One of them yelled. His voice was close. Too close for my liking. Why couldn’t they leave me alone? Fear shot through my vein. I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my scarred chest.

             I hadn’t done anything to deserve this. I didn’t think so anything. My Mom said that God did everything for a reason, but to be completely honest I didn’t believe in the man in the sky. I would never say it out loud… Not that I could, but it would break my mothers heart to know what I truly thought.

My mom thought I was a good Christian boy. I went to church every Sunday, braving up to the stares I got from little kids and their parents. I read the bible and have never missed a bible study class, even when local thugs were waiting outside the church parking lot to have their poke at me. I did all of this but after the accident, I just stopped believing in it.

Pushing my self to run faster, I puffed out air in short bursts. The worn of converse I was wear squeaked on the sidewalk. I splashed through puddle and sent water everywhere. It soaked the bottom of my jeans, making them feel heavy on my body.

            “Get back here freak!” Another one yelled. The words felt like a bee sting, the kind that continues to sting long after the bee is gone. I furrowed my brows and swung my arms hastily as I sprinted between trees and park benches. A gust of wind whipped the hood off my head, revealing my mess of blonde hair. The hair that barely hid my scarred skin.

I shuffled to fix my hood and lost my balance, tripping on a tree root. My hands scraped on the ground as I tried to catch myself. Dirt and fresh cut grass spewed over me and I land, face first, into the ground. I stumbled to get back on my feet but it was already too late. The three thugs surrounded me, laughing.

“What a loser!” A fat, red haired kid that I’d seen around school kicked me in the ribs as I tried to stand up. The kick sent me back on the ground. I landed hard on my side, side that was the least of my problems.

“Good one Josh!” Another one laughed. He had a squeaky voice that I didn’t recognize. This one picked up a clot of dirt and threw it at my face. Dirt particles stung in my eyes, making them water.

“Look! The freak is crying!” The third one cackled. I knew this one, this thug. He had been my friend before the accident. He was the one that had introduced me to Regina Cross. I grimaced and rubbed dirt out of my eyes.

My insides were screaming at me to get out of this mess. I tried to stand up again but the fat one had stepped on my hood, making it impossible for me to get up. All I could do was squirm on the ground like a worm after a rainstorm. There was another sharp blow at my ribs. More laughter. They had cruel, awful laughter; it mocked me, reminded me that to them I would always be a freak. Alien. Monster.

            One more kick, and this time it landed, hard, on my right shoulder. Pain shot through my body. If I could scream, I would be. But the screams in my head would never reach the outside world.

            The thugs backed off, doubling over in laughter as I laid on the ground, rubbing my eyes and shoulder. If I could I would beat the bloody hell out of them. All of them. Every person that had ever kicked me or punch me or called me a freak.

            The thugs were off down the park now, hooting and hollering as they punched each others arms. I stayed on the ground, face in the grass, inhaling the earthy smell. My eyes had stopped stinging for the most part but my shoulder and ribs ached. I slowly sat up. Through everything the ear buds had stayed in my ears and rock and roll was still blasting in my ears. I pulled my iPod out of my pocket. The screen had cracked but it still played music just fine.

            I shrugged, instantly regretting it as pain fired through my body like bullets again. Getting to my feet, I flipped my hood up so it was hiding my awful scars. I sighed, grabbed my skateboard, and headed out of the park and into town. I walked down the sidewalk passing a Subway and some local gift shop that sold Nevada t-shirts and stuff. The wind had picked up in town but it was still fairly warm out.

            When I rounded the corner I caught sight of a brown haired girl crouched on the ground with someone in the Kinney Drugs parking lot. She was screaming something. I couldn’t quite hear so I turned my song down. She yelled again and this time I heard her clearly. She was calling for help.

            I dashed across the street, ignoring the few cars that honked at me. I didn’t know what was going through my brain when I did this, but I ran toward her, not even considering that she may be afraid of me or hate on me like others. When I got closer I realized that the other person on the ground was passed out, covered in blood.

            The girl, around my age, looked up at me, her olive colored cheeks covered in tears. “Please help me,” she whispered. How long had she been here? Had no one heard her? I gave her quick nod and ran inside the drug store.

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