The Four: Aden

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A/N To those who have read early versions of this... It may sound a tad familiar! But what can I say... Haha


“What the heck?” Was the first thing I said when I woke up. My head was throbbing and my heart was racing. I was in a room, and it wasn’t my own room. The walls were a cream color. There was a wicker loveseat on the opposite wall of where I was. Where was I anyway? I turned my head and winced, my head hurt like hell, throbbing against my skull and I couldn’t seem to remember much. Next to me there was an empty bookshelf, a window and what seemed to be a closet nook in the back corner. The blinds on the window were shut tightly so I could see nothing but the light trying to shine in.

After painfully turning my head to the other side I saw another small wicker chair, a lamp, a door, and a small white dresser with a mirror. My eyes shot back to the door. I sat up slowly, my head felt like it was going to explode. It felt like a really bad migraine. I pulled my feet out from under the sheets and placed them, delicately, on the floor. It was soft on my feet, carpeted. Trying to control the pain in my head, I tugged at the blinds. To my surprise they shot upward, exposing the outside world.

Wherever I was, there were trees everywhere, and lush, green grass covering a huge lawn. Some kids, around my age were playing basketball and street hockey on a concrete area. Near a tiny pond some more kids were throwing Frisbees and kicking at soccer balls. Grey clouds covered the sky. Someone looked up at me, at least I thought he did; it was hard to tell from this angle. I shot backwards to hide my self, smacking into the bookshelf. It banged against the wall, noisly.

“Ah…” I moaned. Now my back hurt. “Friggin’ bookcase,” I whispered and kicked it. There was a loud bang again. The migraine-like pain in my head had receded and I sighed. Memories of what had happened trickled back into my brain.

Self at I had been enjoying myself at Giuseppe’s, flirting with a few waitresses, I had even gotten one of their numbers. The pizza was good and all in all I was having a good time, a better time than talking to Jane The Obnoxious anyway. But, of course, my mother calls. Her voice was high-pitched and pleading as she asked me to stop and get eggs and milk. I told her I was busy but she thought that this was a dire emergency. I ruefully agreed, finished my pepperoni pizza slice, and left. I made the decision to go to Kinney Drugs and get the crap. What an awful decision that was. My mom called again when I pulled into the parking lot, making me pissed off. She reminded me what to get and I hung up. When I started to turn around I saw them.

Two people were carrying some guy covered and blood with two girls following behind. Then there was some flash and whiteness and the… darkness. Next thing I know I wake up with a headache in a room that looks a lot like the rooms in retirement homes.  I shuffled away from the window and went to the door. I wiggled the door knob only to find that it was locked. 

“Come on!” I shoved my body against the thing, trying to open it with force. But still, it didn’t work. Next I kicked it with as much force as I could possibly conjure up in me. The door didn’t even squeak. Now I was frustrated. I wiggled the handle again, it was still locked. Maybe it had one of those bank vault locks like you see in the movies. I kicked it again, this time pain shot up my foot. Someone had taken my shoes off. I looked down at my outfit.

“Now way. No freaking way,” I muttered gripping my hair. I was in a hospital gown. A freaking dress. How had I not noticed? I sprinted a few feet to the closet, tearing open the curtain that hid the insides. There was nothing in it. No clothes or shoes, just stale air. Sweat shot out of my skin as I panicked. What was this? A joke? I ran to the dresser and ripped the drawers out. There was nothing. Crap.

My ears perked when I heard a click at the door. The  sound of a lock clicking. Crap. My face grew hot when I looked down at my clothes. Why was I wearing this? Who put me in this? My eyes shot up and I watched as someone slowly twisted the door handle, opening the door. Then a face poked in. The most beautiful face I had ever seen.

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