Nathaniel x Depressed! Reader pt.2

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(A/n)- Someone requested I do a part 2 to this, so here it is! I chose the first part two in my list, and I hope it makes up for lost time! I'm sorry for my super long hiatus. Also, there's gonna be talk about self worth and uselessness, etc. If that bothers you this may not be for you. Thanks for reading!

Nathaniel took your hand in his as y'all walked down the sidewalk. He smiled at your smaller hand in his. "I love you."

You blushed and looked down from embarrassment. He was too sweet. Your heart beat faster with every step.

"I love you too."

Nathaniel felt his cheeks heat up at hearing those words. No matter how many times you said them, it always caught him off guard. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

Y'all turned the corner and found yourselves at the school. You suddenly felt smaller and a cold shiver ran down your spine. You wanted to go back.

You tried to pull away from Nathaniel's grasp only to have him stop. He looked back at you and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

You could feel your heart thumping against your chest. It screamed at you to turn back. But Nathaniel wouldn't let your hand go.

Nathaniel scanned the area and saw the school. He felt like an idiot. Of course it was the school.

He gently took your other hand and looked you in the eyes. His bright, emerald hues gazed into your (E/c) ones. He smiled softly.

"It's ok. I'm here. Just hold onto me and everything will be alright," he said, his voice soft and comforting. Nathaniel leaned in and gave you a kiss to reassure you. You cherished every second of it.

When he pulled away Nathaniel beckoned you to follow, his hand still wrapped around yours. You hesitantly proceeded. Your legs shook as you got closer, but Nathaniel was there to reassure you that everything was fine.

People eyed the two of you as you walked up the steps. Their gazes made you feel insecure. They were watching your every move.

The torture finally passed as you and Nathaniel walked inside. The interior of the school wasn't as occupied as the outside. You felt safe again.

Nathaniel led you up the stairs to the art room. You had never spent much time in this room before, but walking in with Nathaniel made it feel special. Your heart best uncontrollably again.

Nathaniel sat down at one of the tables, you following suit. The room was completely barren minus the two of you. It felt perfect.

"Hey, guys!"

You mentally facepalmed. You looked to see Marc standing at the door, hands in his pockets and his bag slouched on his shoulder. He flashed y'all a smile.

"I didn't expect to see you here this early, Nathaniel. And, (Y/n), you're here as well. Something's up." He chuckled as he sat down with y'all. You looked away.

Nathaniel spoke up. "We're dating, Marc. She's my girlfriend. She's allowed to come in here whenever she pleases." His tone took on a defensive note.

You looked over at Nathaniel perplexed. That was new. He had never been angry at anyone before.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. I didn't know." Marc put his hands up defensively. "But congrats, man. You two belong together. I saw it coming from a mile away."

You felt your face grow red from embarrassment again. You ducked your head down instinctively. Nathaniel took notice.

Before anyone could say another word the bell rang. You stood up and grabbed your bag. Nathaniel did the same.

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