Luka x Depressed! Reader

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This was requested by BunniKat-0417. Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

You let the tears fall as you listened to the yelling of your parents. Every night they fought, sometimes bringing you into the mix. The foul words, the fighting, you were forced to hide away in your room.

Not only that but your sibling was the chosen child. They always made fun of you and got away with it. When you fought back, you were cussed at.

Suddenly the door to your room opened. You looked to see your mother, bawling. "(Y/n), (Sibling name), hurry and pack your things. We have to-" Before she could finish her sentence your dad came down the hall, shoving her away.

You turned to your sibling who was staring at the scene. You stood up and contemplated on what to do. Should I help Mom? Or should I pack my things?

At first you went to grab your things but your mother came down the hall again, trembling. "(Y/n), (Sibling name), don't come out until I tell you it's safe. Your dad is drunk. He can hurt you." You waited until she was gone and thought of something.

Your dad came by, spotting your mother in another room. Before he could charge at her you threw something at him to distract him. He turned to you and didn't hesitate before running at you.

Your mother pulled him away before he made his way to you, luckily.

That was just one of the many things that caused your pain...


You walked up the steps of the school, hoping to avoid everyone. You pulled your hair in front of your face to hide your eyes from the world around you. You didn't want anyone seeing how red and puffy your eyes had become after crying yourself to sleep every night.

You passed everyone and entered the school. The only other person in there right now was Luka. You tried to pass him but he saw you.

"Hey, (Y/n)."

You slightly stiffened and turned around. You mumbled a 'hey' and managed to plaster on a fake smile. You walked off, proud of yourself for not stuttering.

Luka was your crush. He was so dreamy and nice and good looking. He was basically perfect.

You took your seat in the classroom and laid your head down. Silent sobs broke out as you buried your face in your arms. You were mindful of the bell though.

Everyone came in and you sniffed. If someone asked you what was wrong, you would tell them you were sick. It seemed to work for the past few years.

The seat next to you remained empty.


You walked down the steps and sighed. "(Y/n)! Hey!" You turned to see Marinette and Alya coming over to you.

"We were wondering if you'd like to come to my birthday sleep over.", Marinette offered. Her smile was so bright. You were envious of her.

"Sorry," You started while trying to put on a big smile. "My mom doesn't allow me to go to other people's houses." She gave a pout and said, "Awe, well. If something changes you have my number!"

She waved to you and walked off. You wondered how she could possibly be so happy all the time. Yo u went on your way until Luka stopped you.

"H-hey, (Y/n). Can we talk?"

Your eyes widened at what he asked you. The Luka Couffaine wanted to talk to you. You blushed and said, "U-um, sure..."

He pulled you to the side of the school and scanned your surroundings. "(Y/n), something's wrong with you. Ever since we started going to this school you've been faking a smile. Is-is someone bullying you?" You gasped, how did he know something was up?

You hung your head low. "It's not bullying..." You didn't want to tell him.

You thought he would laugh at how weak you were. You just couldn't stand what happened at home. Luka pulled your chin up to meet his gaze.

"Then what is it? I-I can help you!"

You started crying and wrapped your arms around Luka for comfort. He felt so warm and safe. You didn't want to leave this spot.

A pair of arms wrapped around your shivering form. "Luka...I-I just can't take it anymore!" You sobbed into his chest and accepted his warmth.

You stayed like that for a while before Luka pulled away to look at you.

"(Y/n), I care about you too much for you to be like this. I miss the happy (Y/n) that would laugh with me..." You smiled a true smile. "Thank you...", you muttered.

"Luka, I love you. And I-I didn't think you'd like me back..."

He smiled at you.

"Of course I like you back. I've always loved you, (Y/n)..."

And to make it official, he pressed his lips against yours.

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