Chloe/Queen Bee x Juliet pt.2

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(A/n)- Again, from a super long time ago. I recommend reading the first part before you continue. Thanks for reading!

"Chloe, can you promise me something?"


Juliet played with the sand between her hands, molding walls and digging motes for a castle. Chloe sat across from her, adding decorations to the finished half. They hummed as they played.

"I need some more water, Chloe." Juliet grabbed the now empty pale of water. Chloe took it from her hands.

Chloe gave her a thumbs up and ran to the fountain. Juliet rubbed her hands dry. A foot landed in front of her.

Juliet let out a gasp. Someone had stomped in the middle of their castle. The walls crumbled to the ground.

"Haha! Smash! Smash!"

A group of boys had come over and were destroying their work. Juliet could only sit there. She wanted to cry.

"P-please...don't..." she mumbled, scared they would hurt her. The boys laughed. This was a game to them.

"Hey!" a voice boomed from behind Juliet. Chloe, now carrying a heavy bucket of water, was glaring at the boys. "Go away, you meanies!"

The boys had finished with their stomping and were now focused on the blonde. They smirked. "Or else what?" one mocked.

Chloe growled. She looked down at her hands. She threw the water out on them.

"Or else that!" she tested. "Now, go away before I get another one!" The boys, no drenched in water, were mad. They stomped away in anger.

Chloe sat the pale down beside her friend. She caught her sad gaze. She frowned.

"Hey, it's ok! This just means we can build a bigger and better one!" She gathered the packed-down sand and began molding it again. She managed to build a semi-successful tower.


She threw her arms up in victory. The tower then fell down again. Chloe's smile faltered.

"Ok, so it might need a bit of work..." Juliet let out a small giggle. Chloe smiled.

"Let's make the bestest sand castle the world has ever seen!"


Chloe dragged Juliet up the stairs. She giggled as she went. "Chloe, where are we going?!"

She ran into a room on the right. Clothes were sprawled out everywhere. A few had been placed in a pile.

"I thought we could play dress up! Daddy got me the new, limited edition Hawkmoth and Lady Peacock suits!" She bounced around as she pulled Juliet inside. The bluenette gasped.

"Really?! Wow!" Chloe went to the secluded pile and pulled out said uniforms. She tossed the blue one over to her friend.

"This one matches your hair. It'll look so pretty on you!" Chloe then pulled out a grey and purple one. There was a cane and a fan on the side of her bed.

"What do you say, Juliet?"

Juliet looked down at the suit in her hands. She smiled. "I say, let's transform!"

The girls laughed as they switched into their costumes. They got their magical items and set out for the hotel's lobby. They wanted to show Chloe's dad.

They passed by people in the hallways. The adults laughed at the cute sight. Ahead an old lady dropped her cane.

"Don't worry, ma'am! We'll save you!" Chloe ran with Juliet next to her to help the old lady. They handed her her cane and helped her to her door.

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