2 ✦ applesaucy

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attached is Stella

My dog jumps on me, licking all over my face. She always wakes me up around 6AM to go outside so she can roll in the wet grass.

"Stella, not now," I grown. Last night sucked. Trying to sleep with a swollen eye wasn't easy.

She starts whining and looking towards the door. Begging me. Please mama. Please let me outside. Please let me.

I sigh and stand up. She's hot on my heel, jumping off the bed so fast she hits my leg and almost makes me fall. Dumb dog. She's so dumb sometimes.

"Come on Stella. Be quiet," I whisper to her as we leave my room. I don't want her loud running to wake up Ru. He's a handful this early.

As soon as I open the door she shoots out like a bolt of lightening. For such a fatty, she sure is fast. I smile at the sight of her rolling in the grass.

She's my saving grace. I don't know what I'd do without her. I got her when she was a puppy, someone was giving her away because she growled a lot. I got her and brought her home, and she settled in perfectly. Before long, I realized she wasn't growling but instead kinda snoring. She just constantly grunts. It's the cutest thing. If you grunt at her she grunts back. She's never growled at anyone or bitten anyone. I thank the Lord her last family was dumb enough to think she was growling because Stella was made for me.

What do I do now? Ru's in bed. It's only 6:26AM. I trudge to my room, still half asleep, and put in a random disc from the second season of House. I fuckin' love House.

An our or so into the show, I hear little feet tapping on the hardwood floor approaching my room. Ru walks in, rubbing his eyes, his hair standing on end.

"Good morning Ru," I sing. He smiles his toothless smile and waddles over to me. He's literally the cutest thing.

"What do you wanna do today? How about we go get you a new toy?" I ask him, and his facial expression tells me everything.

"ESS ESS ESS!" He squeals and hops around. My heart swells.

"Okay Ru let's go getcha something to wear real quick." He follows me to his room, tripping once on his own feet. I grab some cargo shorts and a little nirvana t-shirt. "Grab a new diaper for me, please." He runs and grabs his diaper and his wipes, coming back and laying down beside me. He's only 2 but he sure is smart.

After he's dressed and ready, shoes and all, I go to my room and change too. I put on light denim shorts and -of course- a nirvana shirt. I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a ponytail.

It's only 7 something but by the time we get breakfast and get to the mall it should be around opening time.

I grab everything I need and pick him up asking, "You ready?" and he nods his head. As soon as I open the door, Stella is standing there waiting. She shakes off before walking in and going to eat. I lock the door behind me and put Ru down so he can walk.

20 agonizing minutes of trying to put him in his damn carseat we finally head out. I swear his carseat came from satan himself. It's so insanely hard to work. Like no don't worry, I'm not in a rush.

This drive sucks this early. There's traffic out going to work. The line at McDonalds is so long, and Ruben starts screaming the second I pass it. So, I guess I'm turning around. Yay.

The line moves faster than I expected, except for this one woman who ordered 7 bags of food. 7.

When it's finally my turn, I ask for a second to think. Do i want coke or tea? Am I hungry? Ugh.

"Yeah I need a small apple sauce, a chocolate milk, one sausage biscuit with grape jelly and a large Dr.Pepper." That was all in one breath. He repeats my order and tells me my total is 6 something so I pull forward to the next window.

The guy is taking an order as he hands me my bag and my drink, then my chocolate milk and apple sauce. Except he doesn't hand me the apple sauce.

He accidentally drops it right on the edge of my car. I watch it in slow motion as it explodes and gets all over me. Yay! My second apple bath this week. Yummy.

"'M so sorry," the guy says, rushing around trying to find napkins. "I didn't mean to drop it, miss, I-" he trails off as I'm trying to clean up what I can. "Shit." he mumbles under his breath.

I look up and gasp. Audibly. I'm in total shock.

"Apple boy?!" I yell. What the hell?? Laughing at my luck, I snatch some napkins from him and continue cleaning myself up. And my car.

My interior will forever be sticky, and my ca will infinity smell like apple. Great.

He blushes and hangs his head low. "I can't believe I've done this again I'm so sorr- OH MY GOD YOUR EYE!" He shrieks as I finally look him in the face. "I'm so sorry do you need ice or something? Here I'll pay for your meal omg, here's another applesauce.."

This time he hands it to me gently. I smile sweetly at him. "You don't have to apologize or pay. It isn't your fau-" A car horn cuts me short and causes me to jump. I roll my eyes and hand my money over to Apple boy.

"See you around." I say, smiling. As I'm about to drive off, I call back, "And hey, Apple boy? Be more careful with your fruit." I smirk and watch him blush, giving me a small thumbs up.

Well. Back home it is to wash all the apple out of my hair. Again.

✦  ✧ ✦

hey guys, Stella is really my dog. (as pictured) she's a blue nose pitbull and she's my service animal. she's my saving grace.

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