7 ✧ apple juice

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"Get back here you stupid whore!" he shouts, running after me. I'm screaming and running, not looking back. Weaving in and out of trees. I'm lost.

"I'm gonna catch you babygirl so go ahead and give up," he growls, his breath on my throat. I scream louder, begging someone to help. Anyone.

He laughs. "No one's here to here you. Times ticking." I don't know how much more I can run. I'm so tired.

"Leave me alone!! Go!" I shout, swinging around and punching him closed fist. I close my eyes and keep swinging. I've gotta make it out. I've gotta make it back to Ru.

"Dahlia stop! What the hell!"

Bastard. I keep swinging. I can't tell if I'm hitting him anymore but I'm trying. I gotta get back to Ru. He needs me.

"Dahlia! Dolly! Wake up!" my body starts shaking and everything gets fuzzy.

"Dolly? Are you with me?" I hear the familiar voice but I don't know where it's coming from. Everything is blurry and fuzzy.

"Dolly, God." I feel myself lift. "Dahlia, please!" he rubs his hand on my cheek. I can barely feel his body, I can barely feel his touch. "Open your eyes, Dolly. Please."

I do as told, opening my eyes. It's hard, my body is so numb. My vision slowly goes less blurry and I can finally focus a little. The room is dark. It's not a forest. How did I get here? Where am I?

I try to speak but end up mumbling and losing control of my head. It rolls in his arm and my cheek smack his hand.

"Dolly are you okay? Do you need anything? What happened?" His voice is frantic and it's hard to take in all the questions. My mind is hazy.

I swallow hard and try to sit up. I get extremely dizzy and immediately lay back down. God, I hate this.

We sit there like that for a while. He's rubbing my temples and rocking me back and forth. After about maybe 20 minutes, I try to speak again.

"I-I'm sorry," my voice is raspy and scratchy. I sound horrible. I sit up a little and try to keep the vertigo away.

"Don't be! Do you need anything? A heat pad, an ice pack, water, Advil? Juice? Food? A bath? A nap?" Harry seems a bit nervous but I can see why. I shake my head a little.

"Juice would be nice and Excedrin if you have any." then as I move to sit up, a sharp pain shoots down my spine. I tense. "The heating pad sounds good too," I whimper.

Harry nods and stands up. "Stay right there for a second and lemme get everything, then I'll help you back up." I don't reply, I'm too nauseous to reply.

God what even happened? I thought all this was over. I worked so hard to get here and now it may all be ruined.

I stop thinking for a while and when Harry gets back he hands me 3 pills. "Two are excedrin extra strength, one is a phenergren in case you're nauseous. I also brought you juice, a heat pad, and a cold rag. Plus pillows." he smiles and sits everything down. He moves the covers and then reaches for me.

I take his hands and stand up slowly, he catches me with an arm around my waist. He slowly picks me up and sits on on the bed. "Get comfy, Dolly." he smiles scooting pillows to me. I huddle myself up into a.big pile, the heating pad pressed against my back. He smiles, hands me my meds and the juice. I take them, then smile at him.

"Apple juice," my voice sounds terrifying.

"Did you expect anything else?" He laughs and puts the cold rag on my forehead. "Do you need anything or are you good? I'm not sure what I'm doing." he admits, rubbing the back of his head.

I look at his alarm clock and see it's 2pm. Ugh. That lasted so long. "I should be fine like this. I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened, I-"

"Dolly. It's fine." he smiles. "Do you want me to put on netflix for you?" I nod and drink more of my juice, which he added a straw to might I add. I love straws.

He tosses me the remote after it's up and ready. "I'm gonna shower real fast and put on a load of laundry. Just yell if you need anything. Is that okay?"

I smile at his generosity. "You're being too nice, I'm so sorry. Yes that's okay! Thank you." That was so awkward and confusing. I mentally slap myself. Good lord, Dahlia, get it together.

"Anytime, Dolly," and with that he exits, closing the door. I hear the shower start, and I turn my attention to netflix. His TV is huge. I think he has blackout curtains too, it's nice and dark in here.

I pick some random documentary about snakes and cuddle deeper into the blankets, trying to recover from what happened. My muscles are still tensed and stiff.

I'm almost mad at myself that this happened again, but I try to focus on the show. I sip a my juice, smiling a little because it's apple juice. Before long, the sounds of the water running lulls me to sleep.

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wow i'm writing so much this story will be finished before i know it lol

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