8 ✦ a-peel-ing

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The opening of a door jolts me awake. I hear Harry laugh a little because I jumped. "Hey good morning sleeping beauty."

I stretch and God I'm so relieved that my muscles are normal again. "How long was I asleep?" I mumble.

Harry checks the clock. "Only about 5 hours. It's almost 7." Ugh.

Serena has my truck. Serena's mom has my Ruben. Stella is alone.

"Shit, do you know where my phone is?" I ask, hoping he saw me put it somewhere. I sit up in bed and stretch again.

"I don't remember seeing it. Do you need to borrow mine?"

I nod and he tosses it to me. "Passcode is 7535." he says as he walks out.

I dial Serena's number and pray she answers.

"Hello, this is Serena. I can't get to the phone right now, but I will return your call. Thank y-" I hang up before the shrill beeping noise. Damn. I wonder where she is.

I dial her mom and actually get an answer. "Oh thank God, hi Nanna. How's Ruben?" I say before I even realize I'm not on my phone.

She laughs and says, "I was wondering who this number was. He's perfect dear. Don't stress. He's at home here. I fed Stella by the way. You just take a week off. You're always so stressed."

I sigh in response. She's right. Ever since Ruben, I've been a mess. Working from home, while dealing with a toddler, while dealing with people close to me, it's just all so much.

"Thanks Nanna. You're a blessing. I love you guys."

She answers with, "And we love you," before hanging up.

I slide off the bed, stretching my legs and popping my back before walking out the door. I don't see Harry but I assume he's here somewhere. What I do see though is a cat.

"Hi baby!!" I say in a baby voice. "Aw come here you!" the kitten waddles to me and meows. My heart. Omg.

I pick it up gently and kiss it's nose. "Hi little girl! You are too precious." The kitten starts purring and curls up in my crossed arms. God I love kittens.

I hear a laugh behind me as I'm admiring the kitten, and turn around. Harry is standing there in sweats and a black t-shirt smiling at me. "Hey Dolly."

"What's funny, Styles?" I glare at him.

"You're standing in my hallway wearing a long sleeve shirt 3 sizes too big for you with your hair in the messiest bun holding a kitten like it's a baby. It's kinda funny to see." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Look, Harold, this is all I had to wear, my hair is a mess whether its styled or not, and this kitten is the cutest thing I've ever seen. So, don't patronize me." I kiss the kittens head again and look at Harry. "What's her name?"

"I actually don't know yet. I literally just found her. I went to check the mail and she was out there alone so I brought her in." I smile at his confession. He's so sweet??? Does he even exist? Wow. "You can name her if you want."

My heart lights up at that. "Really?!" I squeal. "Oh my Lord I sound so annoying but God I love kittens." Harry laughs and goes to the kitchen. I follow but instead sit down in the leather rocking chair.

I prop my feet up and lay the kitten on my chest, petting her little head. "There you go lil one," I say quietly to her. She's sound asleep and I'm gonna cry. Her little whiskers. Omg.

"Do you want dinner? I could cook or order pizza." Harry asks, then stops in his tracks and says, "Wait shit you probably wanna go home, I'm so sorry, I'll get my keys.."

I laugh. "No I'm cool with pizza. It's okay. I wanna stay and cuddle with the kitty for a bit."

He smiles and grabs his phone from his pocket which I assume he found in his bed. He orders a canadian bacon pizza and a cookie pizza. Those are the best. My mouth is watering hypothetically.

"30 minutes," he smiles. "Do you wanna shower or anything? Are you staying tonight?"

I think for a second and figure I might as well. Then I realize I barely know Harry and this is really weird but he didn't kill me -he actually probably saved me- so I guess one night can't hurt. Plus pizza and kitten. "I'll stay, and I probably need a shower but I don't have anything."

Harry holds up his finger and jogs to his bedroom. He comes back with some clothes, and brings them to me, petting the kitten before sitting on the couch next to my chair.

It's a pair of Christmas themed VS PINK underwear -with really cute reindeer- with the tags still on and a dark grey pair of nike shorts. They're both mediums which I'm pretty sure will fit. Why does he have women's underwear though? Like, brand new ones?

"Those were my sister's Christmas present last year but she was a no show so I kept them." He mentions, probably seeing my odd expression.

I shrug my shoulders. Makes sense. "That sucks I'm sorry."

He waves it off. "They came in handy. Go shower. I'll take the kitten." He smiles as he picks her up and puts her in his lap. She meows ever so slightly and crawls up to his neck. She makes herself comfy on his shoulder and I can't help but say aww. She's so cute. So is he.

"Towels are hanging up. Freshly washed." Harry calls as I'm opening the bathroom door. I nod -not realizing he can't see me- and lock the door. I glance around his shower and see all male products -of course- at which I almost jump in excitement for. I love the smells. And Harry always smells nice.

I take what feels like the longest shower before getting out and wrapping my hair up in a towel. The underwear and shorts fit perfectly of course and I noticed a black shirt laying on the floor. Harry must've tucked it under the door when he realized I forgot one. I smile. He's so thoughtful.

I pick it up and it's a Mötley Crüe shirt. God, he may be perfect after all.

When I finally come out of the bathroom, my hair all wet and frizzy from trying to dry it out, Harry looks at me and whistles.

"Aren't you apeeling," he winks then laughs at his own pun. "Get it? Cause like... apples?" he cracks up again and I almost think he's gonna die when the doorbell rings.

"I'm not, but that pizza sure is," I say as he walks to get it. It smells amazing, and I already know this is the start of the most amazing night ever.

✦ ✧ ✦
last one for tonight. i'll pick up again tomorrow. leave feedback & share! feel free to comment your books :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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