6 ✦ apple cinnamon bread

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Within an hour, I'd beaten Harry at pool. He was drunk, but handling himself well. I wasn't really phased.

"So, Apple boy," I start. "I kicked your ass at pool." I take a drink of whatever mixed drink it is I made and laugh a little. We're sitting outside on a swinging bench. I've got my feet rested on his knees, honestly so I can look at him better. His hair's a bit messy and wet from sweat (it's 90° still), his eyes are gorgeous, his dimples are so cute, his shirts unbuttoned one extra and you can see a bit of his chest. He's hot.

"You did, Dolly. I hate to admit it but you completely smothered me." he laughs. "Lets play 21 questions to get to know each other."

"You start, loser." I stick my tongue out at him and he winks. Okay, he's really hot.

"One: What's your full name?" he pushes his hair back and takes a drink.

Easy first. "Dahlia Rae Goss." I reply. He nods at me and says it's a pretty name. "Thanks. One: What's your full name?"

"Question stealer," he mumbles. "Harry  'Apple boy' Edward Styles, the one and only." Even his name is hot. Harry Styles.

"I bet Harry is actually short for Harold, you just don't wanna admit it." I giggle. He shakes his head furiously.

"Nuh uh." he laughs a little. "Two: not to be racist but what's your ethnicity?" He cringes at his own words, especially when I laugh at him. I knew he'd be curious.

"I'm native. Cherokee descendant. My grandmother and grandfather had my mom when they were still active in a tribe. She married a cherokee descendant so that our bloodline would stay pure or something like that." She used to be all about her native life. It was crazy.

Harry nods and sips his drink. "Interesting. Well, you have a beautiful skin tone, Dolly."

I really do, ain't gonna lie. "Two: where are you from?" His accent was melting me and I had to know where.

"Chesire, England. Quite a dainty place." He smiles fondly. "Also quite beautiful. Three: what's your biggest fear?"

I haven't really thought of that in a while. Hmm. "Well, I guess it would be losing my baby, Ruben, or my dog, Stella. They're all I've got." He doesn't even flinch at the word baby like i thought he would.

"May I ask why?"

"Well," I say, looking him in the eye. "My dad disappeared one day. Like went missing. He didn't leave, he just vanished. Police searched for him or his body but never found any information. My mom left too, leaving Ruben to me. He's 2. Him and my Stella make my life just about complete." I smile. I love my babies.

"I'm sorry Dolly, that sounds tough. Ruben's a cute name though."

We continue our game, and I learned Harry aspired to own his own restaurant, that he adores children, he's got a sister who never speaks to him, he's terrified of spiders, and his birthday is February 1st, a day before mine.

We hadn't even realized the party was dwindling fast. It was becoming daylight outside. We go around to the front of the house where I parked only to find my truck not there.

"Gosh dang it," I groan. That was my ride home.


"Serena took my truck and left me. I don't even know how to get home from here. I'm 30- 40 minutes out." I sigh and run a finger through my curls. This sucks. She's such a bitch.

Harry smiles and says, "Dolly, you can ride with me. I don't live far and since I'm still a little buzzed we can go there."

I don't know. Should I? Should I be afraid? I don't know. Maybe I should call Serena.

Nah. He's sweet. "Okay, thank you so much!" I smile. We get in his car and he heads to his house. It was only about a 3 minute drive.

He leads me in and locks the bolt lock and the door. That alarms me a bit. Both locks either means bad neighborhood or bad man.

"I'll sleep on the couch, you can take my bed. 'N you can wear some of my clothes in there so you can get that dress off. I bet it's uncomfortable." He says, grabbing two plates. "I'll be in here when you're finished." He flashed me a big grin and I'm assuming that meant for me to leave.

I follow his directions to his room and shut the door. It's a lot cleaner than I thought but still a bit messy. I pull my shoes off and sit on the bed. Memory foam.

It's memory foam.


I smile to myself and look around his floor for a shirt since I don't wanna snoop in his closet or dresser. I find one right next to his bed, a long sleeve black shirt. It'll work.

When I'm finally out of my dress, I put it on a hanger I found on the ground and hang it on a doorknob so it doesn't get messed up.

"Hey apple boy," I sing song as I walk into the kitchen. "Wait what's that?" He's got two plates set on the island and he's sitting in front of one of them. They have some sort of cake on them. I sit down and look at him funny.

"It's apple cinnamon bread. I made it myself. I thought you'd like some after not eating for so long. Its breakfast already," he laughs nudging towards the sunlight spilling through the window.

"Apple cinnamon," I laugh. "You, me, and apples, I swear."

After eating, I thank Harry and he forces me to sleep, saying I need it so I don't get sick or something. I struggle with getting my makeup off with a rag first in the bathroom but as soon as I got comfy in his bed, which had amazing sheets by the way, I passed out.

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i know i'm writing and uploading a lot all at once and it may be a little weird rn but i'm gonna get to the good part of the plot soon :)

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