Free x Reader |Incident|

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This was requested by BeybladeBurstGirl12 hope you enjoy ^^

~Your P.O.V~

I walk into the cafe/my job where Valt said he was going to meet me I look around and see that he still hasn't arrived "is everything alright ma'am?" I stop looking around and see a waitress waiting for a response from me while having a genuine smile "oh um yea thanks" I make my way to a booth and wait a while

"IM SORRY THAT IM LATE (Y/N)!" I hear a child like voice say bursting through the door and I already have in mind who that person was "its ok Valt" I give him a closed eye smile while he takes his seat and soon the waitress comes to get our order, Valt chose one of the most expensive coffee on the menu "I would like to get Black Ivory coffee please" Valt gives the waitress a warm smile as she writes down his order

"and for you ma'ma?" "I would like a regular coffee please" she quickly writes it down and leaves "Valt are you insane!" I look at him wide eyed " not really" I sigh and look at him "Valt that coffees you ordered cost 500 bucks I dont have that type of cash" I face palm, soon the coffee comes and she gives us the check "510 bucks!" I exclaim

all of a sudden a boy with spiked and messy orange hair with a red streak running through it, with a loose yellow tank-top and light brown jeans appears out of nowhere "I heard you need 510 bucks" he says soullessly I nod my head and he hands me chash "that's exactly 510 bucks" "thank you so much I'll repay you I promise that" as soon as I'm done saying that he leaves

"well I need to work my shift now see you later Valt" we wave at each other and soon he leaves

~Time skips~

I hear the door chime and direct all my attention to the door only to see the same boy that I have to repay "oh hello we haven't officially met" I say as I extend my arm out to shake his hand and he gladly accepts it "I'm (y/n) what's your name" I cheerfully ask "I'm Free de la hoya but you can call me Free" he gives me a closed eye smile "would you like anything?" I ask him " just wanted to come here" he says while looking at me directly in my eyes

"oh ok I hope to see you soon" I give him a closed eye smile before he's no longer in sight, I sigh and let my mind wonder off "well it looks like (y/n) has a crush on the worlds top blader and one of the Big five" I look at the door and see Valt just standing there "wh-what! no! I dont like him!" I exclaim and cover my face already knowing that my face is as red as a tomato "but how did you come here without me hearing you?" I tilt my head a little

"maybe because you were daydreaming about Free" he gives me a dorky smile "I haven't known him long enough to know if I like him or not" I explain to Valt "then get to know him ask him if he wants to hang out with you" he smiles and I nod my head

~A few days later~

"Free here I said I was going to repay you did I not" I smile at him and he does the same "but (y/n) you're my best friend and I'll do anything to help my best friend" he gives me a closed eye smile "Fr-Free are you um... doing anything tonight" I say as I begin to blush " why?" I let out a sigh of relief "I was wondering if you would like to go to my house and watch movies on Netflix"

"So you're like asking me out on a date?" he questions "WH-WHAT! NO!" my blush gets deeper as my bangs cover my eyes "I'm just messing with you (y/n)" he laughs and I let out onther sigh of relief as I hold my chest "I'll pass by your house around 7pm ok" I nod and he hugs before he leaves, just enough time for me to get ready

~Time skips~

I hear the door bell ring and go open the door "hey Free" I step aside for him to walk in and close the door behind me he then pulls out some flowers and hands them to me "I still can't believe that you live alone in this house" I shrug and we begin to walk to the living room to set the flowers in a vase "so what movie do you want to watch?" I ask Free

"how about The kissing booth" he responds and I nod my head "I'll be back I'm going to get us a blanket and some snacks ok" I give him a closed eye smile and he nods his head, I get us a blanket and some snacks then head to the living room where Free is waiting

~Time skips~

"Elle and Noah are so cute together, I wish me and my special person where like them but he doesn't like me" I lower my head knowing that he has no clue that he's my special person "I have a special person as well but I just dont know if she likes me back or if she'll even accept my confession" he also lowers his head "I'm sure she'll accept, she's a lucky girl if you like her" I give him a closed eye smile

I look at him and see that he's blushing "awww you're so cute when you blush" "sh-shut up or else" his blush gets deeper "or else what" I smirk, he lifts his head up revealing a smirk and soon my smirk fades away I then feel his lips pressing onto mine "I love you (y/n)"  "I love you too Free" my cheeks become warmer

"(y/n)" "yes Free?" "since you wanted to challenge me you'll get punished for that" he smirks as my cheeks become hotter

To be countinued or not unless you guys want me to but I really hope you guys enjoyed this first oneshot and I'll be doing more :) bye for now


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