Shu x Vampire reader |Mysterious love (pt.2)|

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~Your P.O.V~

~A few weeks later~

"Shu I want you to go with me so you can meet my mother and older brother" I smile at him and he nods his head and we walk all the way to her house

I ring the door bell and I can hear my mother and brother arguing about who's going to open the door and when the door opens my older brothers is standing at the door "hey (y/n)" he pulls me into a hug "hi (bro/n)" I smile at him he then sniffs the air "I smell a human" he whispers in my ear, I then step aside and reveal Shu to him as he gasps "do-dont tell me you love him" he whispers once again but only for me to be able to hear him

"I do and that why I want him to meet mother" I whisper back we walk inside and sit down on the couch "(y/n) I need to talk to you" says (bro/n) and pulls me away from Shu "you know what will happen if mother get too close to him" he grasps my arm "I love him ever since I first met him I knew he was the one so please help me" I plead to him, he looks down then back at me before nodding his head

as we go back I see my mother ready to feed off of Shu "Mother! Stop!" I yell catching her attention "awww c'mon (y/n) why won't you share this delicious smelling food with me" she smiles "he's not food!" I glare at her "dont tell me you haven't dreamt of sucking his blood" she licks her bottom lip as her fangs begin to come out

"(y-y/n) what is she talking about" "so you haven't told him" she smirks I quickly go in front of Shu "dont you dare touch him! I'll tell him when he's ready to know but he's not ready yet" I snarl at her "so when's he going to be ready huh? when he's about to get his last final days!" she grabs me from my chin "once he knows what you are he'll never love you that's why its best to love one of your own"

"you're wrong Mother! H-he wouldn't do...that" I slowly lower my head then I feel a great force push me aside as my back makes an impact on the wall, my vision then becomes blurry and as I look once more I see Shu next to me

~Shu's P.O.V~

"Mother! What is wrong with you!" Shouts (bro/n) "she'll be fine its not like she's going to die or hurt as much as it would hurt a human and she wouldn't be knocked out if she would just drink human blood as I told her to when she was younger" (y/n)'s mom stays calm the entire time as she drinks whine

"You know she doesn't like hurting them or killing humans like she said their lives are much more fragile than ours!" With them talking like they feed off human and act as if they aren't humans I begin to wonder what they are "excuse me (bro/n) but are guys vampire's?" He sighs and nods his head

"(y/n) didn't want to tell you cause she loves you and she doesn't want you to think she'll kill or hurt you to be exact she doesn't feed off human at all not even when she was younger she only feeds off animal blood, it doesn't make her as strong as if she were to drink human blood but as long as its blood she'll be alive" I gasp

"oh and she's liked you ever since you guys first met she had a feeling that you were the one, so please keep her happy" he smiles at me and I nod my head "ugh can we just give her a blood bag while she's unconscious right now" groans her mom soon her mom begins to touch the braclet that (y/n) gave me

"So she gave you vervain to keep us and especially herself  from compelling you, I just hope that she hasnt been putting vervain in your system so if I do suck your blood I will have myself a delicious meal" she licks her bottom lips as her fangs begins to show "you know she would put vervain in his system mother dont even try" says (bro/n)

Soon I hear a faint grunt and turn to look at (y/n) and see that she's awake now, I instantly pull her into a hug "I know everything now (y/n) and I've loved you ever since we were little and I still do and I don't care if you're a vampire or not but I still love you and nothing can change that" I then press my lips against her's

first she's surprised by my actions but soon melts into the kiss "I approve" is all her mom says before leaving to god knows where "I love you (y/n) and nothing will ever change that" "I love you too Shu" and we go in for another kiss


I hope you guys enjoyed this Shu x Vampire reader oneshot and I hope you guys enjoy the next ones that are going to come well bye for now :)


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