Ukyo x Reader |Costume|

771 14 3

This was requested by Diamond-Girly426

~Your P.O.V~

"Thanks so much for letting me join the Sword Flames Xander" I smile at him with gratitude "no problem its always a pleasure help one of my old friends" he smiles back and pats my head "you're still as short and cute as ever (Y/n)" he laughs "we'll that's cause you're a giant" I cross my arms "yea yea we-" Xander gets cut off"hey Xander-" a boy with brown hair and a yellow Mohawk enters the room I inspect him even closer,he has a bandage under his left eye. His shirt is white. He wears a green jacket with black and red checkerboard-like lines on top of the sleeves and matching pants with black and white shoes "Who's that?" Questions the boy pointing at me but looking at Xander "that's (Y/n) she's a new member of the dojo, (Y/n) that guy is my right-hand man Yugo"

"Its nice meeting you Yugo" I smile at him "its nice meeting you too (Y/n), I...I have to go do something important see ya later" he smiles at us a while having pink dust covering his cheeks "I'll show you around the dojo" Xander says before motioning for me to follow him and I do so

~Time skips~

"This is going to your room oh and before I leave just be aware that things in the shadows will follow you" and with that Xander leaves to go train leaving me in complete silence I sit on the edge of my bed and just stare at the empty bed across from me wondering who I share a room with, maybe Yugo or Xander or probably one of the other kids from the dojo, I pick up my phone and check what time it is '11:53' I change into my sleepwear and head over to the bathroom to brush my teeth

Once I finish doing that I head on over back to my bed and lay face flat on the pillow, I turn my head and see that the others bed is still empty "well goodnight me" I say to myself but before I couldn't go to sleep I see Yugo enter the room "oh hey (Y/n), bummer you're not sharing a room with me nor Xander, damn lucky Shadow walker" "Shadow walker? I guess I'll make friends with someone new" I smile at him and he returns one "well goodnight (Y/n)" he leaves and shuts the door behind him as soon as he leaves I fall asleep

~One week later~

As soon as I wake up I sluggishly walk out my room, I spot Yugo and decided to talk to him but I suddenly stopped in my tracks when I heard Yugo arguing with a relatively tall and well-built boy with light blue hair in a long ponytail, and sky blue eyes wearing a long indigo hoodie with violet accents and sleeves, deep-blue fingerless gauntlets, a light lavender t-shirt, and black sweatpants with gray stripes on the sides. His shoes are tall red Vans with a white stripe down the middle and white straps. He also wears two pink earrings in his right ear

"I'm sorry to intrupt but I was going to say good morning—" I pause and look at the light blue haired male one more time and I could tell Yugo knew I wanted to know his name "he's Shadow walker or you can call him Ukyo he doesn't mind" "oh so you're Shadow walker therefore your the person I'm sharing a room with" Ukyo nods his head "(Y/n) you're doing to have to stay in the dojo with Ukyo while Xander and I take the kids of the dojo on a trip" I look at Yugo with my eyes widened

"B-by ourselvs!" Yugo nods his head and immediately my cheeks begin to heat up 'why is this happening to me' "that's alright with me" Ukyo says calmly "Ukyo you're incharge while Xander and I are gone" Ukyo nods his head once more before disappearing into the shadows "ok well we're off" Xander says to us "ok later giant" I laugh at my joke "later shorty" he smiles showing his teeth and then turns his back while holding one of his hands in the air and the other in his pocket "bye" is all they say before leaving the dojo

As I was about to head to the kitchen I feel someone's breath on the back of my neck, my body immediately tenses up and leaving me with the only thing to think of 'Ukyo' "why so tense all of a sudden princess" he grabs me by my shoulders and turns me around "come on do act shy I've seen how you act around them" he smirks "I-Im sorry its just that this is the first time seeing you and besides we've never even talked so I don't know how to act or what to say to you" my cheeks then turn a bright red color in embarrassment "I want you to act like the normal you and I like the normal you I've been watching you for a week" he smiles "well that's kinda creepy" I laugh "I creep in the shadows a observe, its what I do" he laughs as well "oh before I forget what where you and Yugo arguing about?" I look at him intensely "you" is all he says

"well aren't you getting hungry?" I ask as I head towards the kitchen "yea but I dont feel like eating what Xander makes us eat every day, since in incharge why do we spoil ourselves with ice cream and chocolate and other things like that" my eyes enlighten in joy as that sentence leaves his lips "oh damn I can already tell we're going to get along very well" I smile at him while taking the ice cream out the fridge and he smiles back making my heart beat faster than it already was

"Its nice to have someone with the same interests as me" he says shoving a mouth full of ice cream "yea" I nod my head "open up princess" I look at him and see that he has a spoonful of ice cream near my mouth, I slowly open my mouth and he puts the spoon in and as soon as my lips close onto  the spoon he pulls it back making sure that I got every last bit of ice cream off the spoon "good girl" he pats my head "I-Im not your little kitten!" I madly blush and cross my arms 'ugh what the hell are your doing to me, to my mind and to my heart Ukyo!'

"Awww but you're a really cute kitten, wait right here I'll be right back" he once again dissapears in the shadows but a minute later he comes back with a full on cat costume for me

"Awww but you're a really cute kitten, wait right here I'll be right back" he once again dissapears in the shadows but a minute later he comes back with a full on cat costume for me

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(What it looks like)

My mouth drops "go put it on" I shake my head frantically clearly disagreeing to this idea "go put it on or else I put it on for you" I quickly grab the costume and head to the bathroom to change, I get out and look at Ukyo "ok now meow" he smiles in amusement "ughhh fine...meow~" 'oh god help me, EXISTENTIAL CRISIS' once that's done with I head to the room and change into something decent

"Hey (Y/n) can I tell you something" I nod my head and he takes a deep breath "I really like more than just I friend wait no...I love you will make me that happiest guy and be my girlfriend" I look at him with my eyes widened then my expression softens as I nod my head

~Later that day~

"WHO ATE ALL THE ICE CREAM!" Xander yells throughout the entire dojo "run!" Says Ukyo and grabs my hand before running outside


I hope you guys enjoyed this Ukyo oneshot and thanks to all you guys that have supported since my Free x Reader book I really appreciate that well bye for now :)


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