Tsundere Wakiya x Reader (pt.1)

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~Your P.O.V~

"Come on Wakiya stop being so lazy, hurry up and change for school" I whine at him "ughf I donf fant to go" he muffles into his pillow "I dont care if you want to go or not" I pull his blanket off of him and throw it on the floor, I grab one of the pillows and begin to hit him with it "okay okay I'm going to change" I leave his room and go into the kitchen and prepare something delicious to eat, I finish cooking and see Wakiya rushing down the stairs to the table "it smells good" he says slightly drooling and I laugh

After we eat Wakiya washes the dishes and we head out to school "hey Wakiya..." "yes (Y/n)?" "I think Shasa likes you as more than just a friend" I look at his face and see a shocked expression but then goes back to being normal "stop being such an idiot, you know she would never like me she's the type of girl that would like Free, Shu, Valt, Honcho Lui, and Silas. You're probably just seeing things that aren't there" he shrugs it off

"...I guess" is all I say and keep my head down the entire walk to school

~In the school~

"Hey Wakiya!" I look over at where the voice came from and see Shasa running towards him "what" is all he says in return "do you think I look pretty in this new outfit I bought" He begins to look at her from head to toe "hmm...no, (Y/n)'s outfit looks better" he turns around and heads towards his locker and she glares at me "dont you dare taking him away from me or else..." "or else what" I say to her "all you have to know is that it won't be good" she smiles

"Ugh whatever" I scoff and walk away from her "hey Wakiya are you ready to go to class?" He nods his head and we begin to walk to class "well if it isn't the most popular and pretty girl in the school, why do you even hang around with this loser" says Silas as he grabs me by my waist and pulls me close to him, then Wakiya gets a grips of my arm and pulls me a way from him while embracing me in his arms they to protect me from Silas "don't you ever dare touch her again" he glares at Silas "tch, whatever" replied Silas and walks away

"You're such and idiot (Y/n). How can you just let him grab you like that" he glares at me "s-sorry I just don't have guts to do it like you do" I look down at the floor "but why do you care anyway?" I ask him "I only did it cause its wrong its not like you're getting any special treatment" I look at him and he quickly turn away "oh...okay" when hearing him say that I can't help but feel sad but I don't know why "hurry up (Y/n), if we're late I'm blaming it on you" "okay okay I'm going" I pout at him

We enter the classroom and sit in our seats "okay class today we'll be starting on a project I call it the baby project, its where you pair up with someone and take care of the babies I will be handing out for the rest of the week and this project is required to pass this class so if you fail it you fail the class understood" says the teacher and everyone says yes "okay no go choose who to work with" every boy in the class gets up from their seat except Free, Shu and Wakiya all head over to me as all the girl just watch in disbelief

"(Y/n) can only have one partner so either she can choose or I choose for her its up to her" the teacher looks at me waiting for my response "you can choose for me" I sweat drop he scans the room and then begins to talk "(Y/n) you'll be paired up with...Shu" everyone gasps except for Shu, Free and I "aww I wanted to do this project with Shu" whines one of the girls in the class

"Everyone else choose a partner" he says "well at least I get to partner up with my beloved Wakiya" says Shasa "well I don't want to be your partner" Wakiya says coldly "aww come on Wakiya it'll be so much better than working with that rat (Y/n)" she says he scoffs "yeah right as if doing anything with you is much better than doing it with (Y/n)" he says with sarcasm and rolls his eyes then Suoh get up from his seat and sits next to him "im sorry Shasa but he's my partner"

I get up from my seat and sit next to Shu "so how should we do this project?" I ask him "I feel like we should take this project a step forward and act as a married couple that live together" he says calmly "o-okay" I feel my cheeks heating up as the thought of one of us in each others house crossed my mind

"So uhh who's house should we 'live in'" I ask him "how about...yours" "oh uh sure" I say as beads of sweat form on forehead

~Time skips~

I unlock the front door and open it "its not much but I hope its still comfortable enough" I nervously say, he walks in as he pulls me along with him and closes the door "I'll cook for us" he smiles "n-no! Its fine I can cook after all you're the guest" I give him a small smile "no (Y/n) its fine after all im the one that insisted we'd come here" he smiles as he takes me to the living room

"but—" he cuts me off by placing his finger over my lips "I'm going to cook and thats final" he then leaves off to the kitchen.

I know im like superrrrrrrrr late with this update and i hope you enjoy this update I'll try to update as soon as I can


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