Orochi x Reader x Zac |The truth|

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This was requested by Astoria1145

~Your P.O.V~

I stare at Zac as he's recording in his studio while sitting next Orochi "he has such an amazing voice" I say as my eyes shine in amazement  "yea" he says blankly and pops his gum while having his arms crosses and eyes closed and all that's left between us is an awkward silence "umm...I'll go get us something to drink as I close the door behind me I let out a sight that I did not know I was holding in and head down to get something cold to drink

I then head back to the room and open the door " I'm back with the drinks" I see that Zac is now sitting to the right of Orochi "did I miss something" I set down the drinks "no just finishing my latest song" says Zac while still focusing on his song I sit down on the couch that was in the room "I don't understand why its sounds like this" Zac scratches the back of his head Orochi immediately stand up and leaves the room and Zac let's out an irritated groan

"I can try to do something but I'm not sure if you're going to like the results" I begin to do my thing and once in done I tell Zac to listen to it "you're just as great as Orochi!" He smiles at then he gives me a peck on the cheek, my eyes widen and I slowly lift my hand up to my cheek, I feel my cheeks heat up

I look up at Zac and see that his cheeks are completely flushed "well its getting late and I should be heading home, if you ever need me just text or call me" I wave at him and leave I see Orochi standing outside the door "hey Orochi I'm leaving so if you need anything text or call me OK" he nods his head and I leave to go home

~Time skips~

I quickly change into my sleepwear and wash my face as I was about to fall asleep I begin to get flashbacks of what happened with me and Zac 'when I left Orochi seemed mad' I thought to myself and I quickly grab my phone and begin to text Orochi


"Hey Orochi you ok?"

"Yea why wouldn't I be and what makes you think that?"

"Well when I was leaving the studio you seemed mad and upset so I was wondering if you were ok"

"Oh...yea I was and I kinda still upset but you don't need to worry"

"Awww c'mon Orochi you can tell me anything you know how I feel when someone important to me is keeping they're feelings bottled up"

"Fine its just I like this girl and I know she likes Zac, I mean who wouldn't he's got the looks, the voice, the talent and everything a girl would want but the thing is that he likes her too and he kissed her and I feel like I'll never get her attention"

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