Valt x Reader |love for shopping|

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In this one-shot you are Daigo's younger sister and you are both on AS Gallus and as most of you know Valt is 4'3 so you are 4'1 enjoy being short while it last :) oh and (f/ma) means favorite mall and (f/st) means favorite store and this was requested by Lovetoreadergirl

~Your P.O.V~

"Daigo!" I look around trying to find him "what" I turn around and see that Daigo is behind me scaring the living crap out of me "aren't you going to say something" he asks in a annoyed tone "hold the fuck up I'm trying to get my heart to beat again" I say jokingly "I was wondering if you could come with me" I flash a smile at him

"I have nothing better to do so sure" I jump up and down in excitement and hug him tightly "so where are we going?" I look at him with a smirk "we're going SHOPPING!" Daigo then falls to knees "please (y/n) anything but shopping I'm begging you" I let out a sigh "fine you can stay here I'll just go shopping with someone else" and he nods his head

I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts until I come upon one certain name 'Smol bean' "Daigo~" he turns his attention to me "I'm going shopping with Valt so if you need me call me ok" I give him a quick smile before leaving and begins to call Valt

~Phone call~

Valt: hiiiii (y/n)!!!!

(y/n): hiiiiiiiiii Valt

Valt: so what you up too?

(y/n): I was wondering if you could go shopping with me

Valt: sure I'll meet at the fountain in town square in 15 minutes

(y/n): ok bye~

Valt: bye~

~End of call~

I then begin to walk towards square town

~Time skips~

"(y/n) over here!" I look in the direction where the voice came from and see Valt waving his hand in the air "heyyyy Valt!!!" I jump on him and hug him while my legs are wrapped around him "umm...(y-y/n)" I look at Valt and see that his face is completely red "oh my god Valt are you ok?! do you have a fever" I jokingly say "sh-shut up, let's just go already" his blush gets brighter as I laugh at the unfolding scene

"why did you ask me to go with you" Valt tilts his head a little "well I asked Daigo if he could come but he begged me to not go with him" I speak trying to sound a little disappointed but in all honesty I'm kind of glad that Daigo didn't want to come because now I can be with my smol bean

"hello, Earth to (y/n)" he waves his hand in front of me as I snap out of my thoughts I then look at what Valt is look at and see that he is going through my CONTACTS "V-Valt! yo-you dont need to see that!" I stutter and feel my face redden "(y/n) who's 'Smol bean?' in your contacts" he tilts his head "" my face becomes completely flushed leaving me looking like a tomato

"awww (y/n) now who has a fever" he smirks "just shut up and let's keep going"

~Time skips~

as we enter (f/ma) I see that (f/st) are selling really cute hairbands "VALT! WE HAVE TO GO TO (F/ST) RIGHT NOW!" I grab his wrist and practically drag him into (f/st) and the first thing I do is go to the accessories part of the store as I look through I see a hairband that looks exactly like Valts except that instead of the yellow ellipse its a yellow butterfly "VALTTTT! LOOK FOR YOU!!!" I show him the hairband and he soon begins to blush

I remove his hairband and his hair goes to its original state "OH MY GOD!!!! you look so cute with your hair down" I give him a closed eye smile and I begin to put the hairband on him, as I finish up I see that he's blushing and he quickly takes it off and puts his hairband on

he then holds the other hairband in his hand and in a second he starts to put it on me "awww you look so cute (y/n)" my face becomes completely flushed I then take the hairband off and hand it to Valt "umm...V-Valt I'll be waiting for you outside" he nods his head and I step outside

~Time skips~

"finally you took forever" I whine to him "that's because I did not know what to get" he smiles "can we go home now" I keep on whining "not after you put these on" he smirks and pulls out the yellow butterfly hairband and an infinity ring, I gasp "its so pretty thank you so much Valt" I put the ring and hairband on then give him a peck on the cheek

as his face reddens so does mine "do you want to get ice cream?" he asks and I nod my head we leave (f/ma) and soon begin to walk to our favorite ice cream shop "hello what ice cream flavor would you like" smiles the lady "I would like chocolate please" says Valt "I would like (f/ic/fl)" I say politely as she gets the ice cream she inspects us "I see you two have matching hairbands you guys are so cute together, you two are dating right?" we both begins to blush "n-no!" we both stutter and look at each other "oh my bad" she blushes in embarrassment and hands us our ice cream "how much is it" I ask "on the house" she replies "oh thank you" we say in fusion

~Time skips~

I jump on Valt and lay my head on his shoulder "why did you give me the ring and the hairband" I question him "cause I wanted to be matching with you and the ring symbolises how much I love you" my eyes widen "yo-you love me?!" he nods his head and soon I press my lips onto his as he kisses back, I pull away and look at him in the eyes "I love you too my precious smol bean" I give him a close eye smile


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll be sure to make more from the requests well bye for now :)

~Ayato-kun 17

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