Lui x Shu's twin sister reader |Last moment confession!|

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This was requested by Lui-Quon-Shu

~A year ago~

"Shu! Are you ok!" I run over to my twin and inspect his right eye all bloody and streaming down his cheek , I see tears swelling up in his eyes as his right eye still bleeds and I slightly touch it. He winces in pain and I pull my hand back I can't help but pull him into a hug and comfort him "its going to be ok, you can let out all your tears when I'm around. Let's go home" he nods his head

As we stand up together I glare at Lui from across the bey stadium and cocky smile forms on his lip I then let go of Shu and walk towards the stadium as if I was about to battle him "I won't ever forget what you've done to him and I swear I will battle you soon and I'll make sure to make it a painful yet slow loss for you! I won't ever forgive you for this Lui Shirasagi!"

~Your P.O.V~

"Shu I'm home! If you need me I'll be in the gym" I walk into our gym and immediately begin to exercise and train, as soon as I'm done I go into the kitchen and grab an apple "aren't you go to eat anything else in life?" Shu ask concern lacing his voice "not until I beat Lui" I say plainly and take a bit of the apple

"That happened a year ago (Y/n), just get over it" I glare at him "you're telling me to get over it but I know damn well you still haven't gotten over it Shu" I take another bite waiting for his response "I...that's cause it happened to me its not like it happened to you" he crosses his arm

"But I could still feel the pain I'm your twin" I look at him "that's impossible" is all he says I open one of the kitchen drawers and pull out a kitchen knife "so if I were to stab myself near my stomach you're saying you wouldn't feel like if you're the one getting stabbed" I look at the knife then back at him as he's nodding his head

"Ok if you ever feel pain and there's no one around except you just know that something bad happened to me" I smirk at him

~A lot of time skips~

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