Letharia Vulpina

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My eyes widen as the power cord started wiping around the air. The electricity sparking through the broken end. Scott yanked me to the ground as the wire whirled past our heads. When we looked up, the wire flung itself off the building. We looked over to see the wire flinging itself towards Kira. I could literally feel Scott's worry for her as an ambulance drove by and almost ran her over.

The driver barley missed her. It began swerving left and right before it crashed into the lamp post. Scott, Derek, and I ran towards the nearest exit.

"Go, go, go!" Scott rushed out as we ran down the stairs.

We pushed past the doctors and nurses until we went out the back way. There were people on the ground not moving. Water was slowly coming towards us, making Derek hold me back.

I looked up to see the wire still coming towards Kira. She looked scared, but that didn't stop her from grabbing the broken end of the cord. She slowly brought her hand up and covered the broken wires. Her hand glowed as the sounds of electricity began cracking. Her whole body began absorbing the electricity. When she looked up at us, her eyes weren't the brown we know. They were a vibrant orange.

The sound of people screaming broke me out of my trance. I noticed someone a few feet away from us. My eyes widen.

"Isaac!" I screamed as I ran over to him. I knelt next to him and started shaking his shoulder. "Isaac?" But Isaac didn't move. I placed my fingers near his neck, trying to find a pulse. My mouth flew open when I didn't. "He's not breathing." I began panicking as I looked up at Derek. "Derek, he's not breathing!"


A few paramedics rushed Isaac inside the hospital. They were able to jolt his heart, but what got me worried the most was the burn on his neck. I hid in the room and waited for the nurses to leave before making my way over to him.

I brought my hand up and wrapped it around his before closing my eyes. I took a deep breath before I gripped his hand as the black tendrils crawled up my arm. Isaac's in a lot of pain. I can't believe Stiles did something like this. Except it wasn't Stiles. It was that damn Nogitsune.

I can't believe that thing is possessing him. Making him do things Stiles would never do. Stiles would never hurt his friends, his family. Stiles wouldn't hurt anyone in general. And this Nogitsune is nothing but a trickster. He loves to play games with us. Well, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And the next time it's going to be him.

I let go of Isaac's hand before slowly making my way out. A part of me was surprised to see Allison. She got up and rushed towards me.

"How is he?" She asked.

I sighed. "He's in a lot of pain. The best thing we can do now is wait for him to heal." Then I furrowed my brows. "How'd you know I as in there?"

"Because I know you and Isaac's your friend. He was your friend before he knew about the supernatural and he still is now."

I crossed my arms before I leaned against the wall. "Yeah." A small smile came to my face. "I still remember the shy boy he used to be. Even when the world thought Derek killed all those people, Isaac still wanted to be my friend. Said that just because Derek's my brother doesn't mean I'm anything like him...He probably was my first friend here."

Allison pushed my arm with a small scoff. "Hey."

I chuckled at her. "Besides you and Lydia." This time I smirked at her. "So...you and Isaac?"

Her cheeks started turning pink. "Um..." Then she cleared her throat and changed the subject. "So, what are you going to do now? Are you still looking for Stiles?"

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