Alpha Pact

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I don't know why we're looking for Morrell, but Deucalion wants us to find her. He claims that she knows exactly where Ms McCall and the Sheriff is at. He just wants to get the information for her. I don't care if Scott and I are with him now, I don't trust him one bit.

That's why I had Scott cover for me when I left that morning. I made sure no one was following me before I made it to Stiles' house. I took a few steps back and ran at the tree that was next to him room. I ran up the trunk before I grabbed the thick branch and swung myself to his room. Stiles jumped at the thud and spun around. He let out a sigh of relief before he started walking towards me. I met him halfway and pulled him in for a tight hug. My hand around his waist while one of his hands went behind my head and the other on my waist.

"I'm so sorry, Stiles," I said.

He held on to me tighter. "It's ok. You're ok." He pulled back and started scanning me over. "You are ok, right? Kali, the twins didn't -"

"None of them know I'm here. Scott's covering for me...for now. I have to go back eventually." Stiles ran his hand through his head. He told me about Miss Blake going after Argent next. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I know."

He gave me a confused look. "How?"


He sighed. "Of course. Because apparently Deucalion is all knowing. He knew Melissa was going to be taken, he knew that you and Scott are True Mates -

I cut him off. "We don't know if that's true."

"Might as well. Mina, you and Scott have been hanging out way more than usual."

"Because we're friends."

He shook his head. "There are times where you and Scott have the same emotion. Like when we all went to the movies. You actually laughed at a part I knew you thought would be stupid. Or when Scott pushed the guy who said my Jeep was stupid, even though we all know it's not. Besides the point, either you act like him or he acts like you."

"But that doesn't mean we're True Mates. Sure, Scott and I hangout a lot, but that doesn't mean anything." I grabbed his hands and placed one over my heart. "I want you to feel my heartbeat when I say this so you'll know I'm telling you the truth. I love you, ok? The only person I will ever want is you. Not Isaac, not Scott, you. I know how I feel and this stupid True Mates thing isn't going to change a thing."

Stiles gave me a little nod, but I could see the doubtful look in his eyes. I removed his hand and wrapped my arms around him. He returned it and placed his chin on top of my head.

"Why bring Isaac into this?" He joked.

I slapped his back which caused him to chuckle.


So, Stiles decided to go get Lydia and I agreed to meet him at the school. No doubt to tell her that Scott and I went with Deucalion. I thought he understood why we went though. If we had another plan then we wouldn't have gone, but we don't. I decided to make a quick call to Scott. So far, they have a lead on Ms Morrell. They can't really pinpoint her location but they're getting close. Deucalion was planning on tracking her tonight, so she won't be at school today.

"Yeah, he's been asking where you've been. I've told him you were out. You were worried about Cora and needed to know if she's ok." Scott said on the other line.

Not technically a lie. I am worried about Cora. The last time I've seen her she was on her death bed, literally. The only one who knew how to save her kidnapped the Sheriff and Mama McCall. I wanted to check on her, I really do, but not with Peter and Derek in the room. Derek would convince me to stay and Peter....he would just annoy the hell out of me. I hope they find a way to save her.

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