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The next morning, Roadhog awoke to see Junkrat cuddled up to him, Jamie sucking on his thumb. Roadhog nearly fell over from how adorable Junkrat was in his three year old mind state. It reminded him of his daughter, who died when the Omnium exploded.

Roadhog's daughter had been 3 years old when the Australian liberal front attacked the Omnium those 23 years ago. She and her mother had both died from the explosion, which changed Mako Rutledge into Roadhog.

But now, seeing Junkrat so innocent and vulnerable like his daughter was, brought a little of old Mako back out. A small tear dripped from behind Roadhog's mask.
Jamie awoke suddenly and looked up at
Roadhog. "Good morning, uncle Roadhog! What we gonna do today?" Jamie asked as he tried to balance himself to jump on the bed. Roadhog scooped him up in his arms. "We're gotta take you to visit Mercy today. We gotta find out how to help you remember things again." Roadhog explained, ruffling Junkrat's hair as he giggled. "Wheee! Let's go see aunty Mercy!! I hope she gots cookies!" Junkrat exclaimed happily.

Roadhog carried Jamie into Mercy's office. "Hello there boys. How's Junkrat doing?" Mercy asked. "My names Jamie, aunt Mercy." Junkrat said. "He's pretty much the same as the other day." Roadhog explained. "Though he did have quite the nightmare last night." As he said that, he felt Junkrat shudder in his arms. "Yeah. I dreamed that my mommy and daddy got killed in a big explosion." Junkrat said in a small frightened voice. "Aw Jamie, I'm sorry. Do you remember where the explosion was?" Mercy asked, hoping to jog his memory . "Um..I think it was a desert."Junkrat tried hard to remember, but it seemed foggy. "It's okay, Jamie. I'm going to run some tests to make sure nothing is wrong with your brain." Mercy said. Junkrat looked nervous. "Tests? Are they gonna be scary?" Mercy smiled at him. "No honey, we just need to make sure your brain isn't injured from your accident." Junkrat took a deep breath. "Okay, lets do it." Jamie said with determination (undertale reference not intentional).

Mercy tested his eyes by making him follow her finger, had him look at some letters and numbers, and recite his full name. He seemed to be passing the tests, but Mercy had one more test. "Okay Jamie, I just need to take some blood to make sure your body is working okay."  Junkrat started to shake. "Is it gonna hurt?" He crawled into Roadhog's arms and buried  his head in Roadhog's chest. "It's only going to hurt for a second, Jamie, and then it'll be over." Mercy explained. Junkrat started to cry. "I don't wanna get a blood test. It's gonna hurt bad, please!" Roadhog felt an instinct to hold Junkrat tighter, but he knew they had to figure out what was wrong with him. "Jamie, if you can be brave and take the blood test, we can make yummy chocolate chip cookies afterwards." Roadhog cooed. Junkrat looked up at roadhog and thought for a second. "Okay, just don't let go." Jamie said as he stuck out his left arm for Mercy. "I won't, I promise." Roadhog said. "Okay Jamie, I'll count to three and it'll be all done." Mercy said. She wiped his arm with a cloth and started counting as she put the needle into his arm. Junkrat whimpered and a few tears slipped out, but he didn't scream. "You did a good job, Jamie. You're such a brave boy!" Mercy said, giving him a hug. "Now I'll test this blood and we should have the results in a few days." She explained to him and Roadhog. "Can we go make cookies now, uncle Roadhog?" Junkrat asked as he wiped the tears from his eyes, looking up at Roadhog. Roadhog kissed his forehead. "Of course, Jamie. That sounds like a great idea."

Thanks to my friend who gave me the idea for this chapter! It got me out of my writers block!

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