Taking a bad turn

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Later that night, Junkrat and Roadhog are both sleeping soundly in their beds. Well, mainly
Roadhog is sleeping soundly...

23 years ago
The 3 year old boy was playing happily in his home with his toys, his parents just outside tending to the garden. A loud BAM shook the house and the surrounding area. "Oh my god!! The omnium exploded!!" The boys mother screamed from outside. Jamison Fawkes ran outside and saw his parents stare in horror at the mushroom cloud forming where the omnium once stood. Then, the large flames came barreling down the land. People ran in different directions, screaming and pleading for their lives. Jamie watched in horror as his parents began burning alive in front of him. "JAMIE, RUN!! SAVE YOURSELF!!" His father screamed as he was burning. Jamie turned and ran as fast as he could away from the burning outback. Debris were falling all around him from the omnium and the Omnics destroyed in the explosion. Jamie saw a woman and little girl, around his age, laying dead outside a home nearby. He didn't know it at the time, but these were the bodies of Mako Rutledge's family. He nearly vomited at the site of the dead but kept on running. Then the fire surrounded him. Everything was hot, so hot, he couldn't breathe. Then darkness....

Roadhog was awoken by a strange sound. He looked down at Junkrat, and was horrified to see the junker barely breathing, sweat pouring from his face. "JAMIE!! JAMISON CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" He screamed, lifting Junkrat in his arms. Junkrat was burning with fever and hyperventilating. "MERCY!" Roadhog burst into the infirmary, and mercy ran in with a start, taking Junkrat into the intensive care ward.

A few hours later, Roadhog was awoken by Mercy. "Roadhog, Jamie's got an infection. We think it might have been from the blow to his head when the accident happened. I'm trying to release pressure around his brain, but at the moment he's in a coma."  Roadhog felt his heart drop. He sobbed loudly as mercy did her best to comfort him. "We're doing all we can for Junkrat. Now we just have to wait." "Can I please see him?" Roadhog asked. "Yes, Of course Roadhog." Mercy answered. She walked Roadhog into the intensive care ward and there was Junkrat, laying in a bed with wires strapped all over him, showing his vitals and a small tube in his nose to help him breathe. Another small tube was in his skull, trying to relief the swelling caused by the infection. Roadhog gently held Junkrat's hand. "If there is a god, please, just bring Junkrat back to me. I want my partner back. Don't take him from me." He sobbed. They could only wait and hope that Junkrat would soon awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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