Cookies make everything better!

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Roadhog and Junkrat were hard at work in the Overwatch base's kitchen making chocolate chip cookies. Junkrat was still a bit shook up about getting a blood test, but was super happy to be making yummy cookies with his uncle Roadhog. "Uncle Roadhog, these cookies are gonna be super yummy! We can share them with everybody, an then we can play games, an read stories, an watch movies." Jamie hopped around like a happy toddler as Roadhog put the cookies in the oven. Roadhog couldn't help but think of his little daughter Gemma.

22 years ago
"Daddy, do you think the cookies are done yet?" 3 year old Gemma Rutledge smiled at her father Mako. "Almost Gemma sweetie. Hold your horses."  Mako chuckled. "Daddy, we have to share some of these cookies with mommy too! I'm starting preschool soon, daddy!" Gemma hopped around the kitchen happily. Mako smiled at his happy daughter. Even though their crazy government wanted to play nice with those damned Omnics, Mako wanted to make sure that Gemma grew up happy and free in Australia.

Roadhog swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. Just a few days after that happy memory, he and the other Australian liberation front members destroyed the omnium and irradiated the Outback, and Gemma and Roadhog's wife were two of the victims of the explosion. Ever since that day, Mako was dead and Roadhog was born. But now, seeing how happy Junkrat was, although he was suffering memory loss, he didn't want him to go back to normal. He wanted to give Jamie the childhood he never had. He knew it was foolish to try to raise a 25 year old as a 3 year old, but part of him wished he could.

"Uncle Roadhog, why are you crying? What's wrong?" Jamie hobbled over to Roadhog and gave him a huge hug. "Don't be sad, Uncle Roadhog." Roadhog hugged Jamie tightly. "I'm okay, Jamie, I just had something in my eye. I think the cookies are done! Let's go share them!" Jamie jumped for joy. "Hey ms. Athena, tell the base the cookies are ready for sharing!" Roadhog laughed.  "All Overwatch members, Roadhog and Junkrat have prepared cookies to share. Please report to the kitchen." Athena broadcasted around the base. Within a few minutes, everyone was sitting in the common room, eating cookies and watching a movie together. Roadhog kept his arm around Junkrat. As much as he wanted to keep him childlike, he knew he had to help him get his memory back.

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