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justin timberlake — cry me a river
3:00 ────────o─── -4:51
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SEP 2O18

" okay brandon, what are you talking about? " edwin was trying to contemplate brandon's thoughts that he just spoke

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" okay brandon, what are you talking about? " edwin was trying to contemplate brandon's thoughts that he just spoke

" ed, can't you see it? the only real reason they fuck with each other is because they do stuff. "

edwin couldn't help but laugh, "do stuff? and by that you mean sexual acts?"

" it's the only reason! i mean i just don't see any other connection between them. their only attracted to each other because their both hot for one another's pants because when we were together, that never crossed our paths and we got along just fine." brandon justified his answer

" but you cheated on her to have that act with someone else? " edwin questioned

" ed. " brandon glared at him

" incase anybody hears! " edwin whispered very softly

" me and her were good together. we connected to so well by our conversations and them? good sex? "

" okay wait, how do you even know they've had sex or anything really? "

" every time she comes over, she wears less and less clothes. plus they're always at her house because they can't get any peace here. " brandon said, he had been playing close attention to every detail of their relationship

edwin couldn't believe what he was hearing, " what? do you hear yourself? "

" yeah, do you hear yourself brandon? " zion walks in hand in hand with serenity

brandon was not expecting for them to come in
and neither zerenity was expecting to hear his words.
they both came out of zion's room getting ready to go out to the gym but the only sweat was coming from edwin —
who was nervous, he knew what this talk would lead too.

" why are you talking about us? " serenity looked really concerned

" which us to be exact ? because the only us is me and serenity. not you and her. " zion raised his voice

brandon and edwin didn't think this conversation would have been heard by anybody, none the less by them.
however, brandon was over everything and ready to reveal the truth. 

" so where did your confidence rise from? not that long ago you didn't know what it was, coming from the both of you. when did you start taking half of your clothes off? things don't add up. " brandon didn't know how to put his opinions/ feelings in a good statement so they were confused

" first of all, i've been wearing 'revealing clothes' from before i met you. but i gained a new confidence after realizing its not worth to cry over an asshole who couldn't see my worth. i could go on as to why me and zion are happy but you don't deserve to know if the only reason i'm staying with him is for sex."

edwin looked at brandon, knowing the truth and how messy this got and how brandon should just shut up !

" i just think it's weird. y'all are moving too fast too soon. "

" you have no right to say that brandon, you don't get a say in how fast or slow we're taking things. the thing that i know is that i love her and she loves me, unlike you who couldn't even tell her the truth. and she doesn't just like me for my looks brandon, out of all people you should know that cocky ass mother.. " zion was getting heated until serenity held tighter to his hand

" both of you calm down. i'm just as pissed about this but brandon you have no right to be talking about us, either of me and zion or of what use to be and you. that is done. what me and zion do now is none of your business. "


" brandon don't. " edwin warned him

" no. " brandon insisted

" what are you guys talking about? " zion asked

" do you want to know the truth? because i'm done lying and it's what you deserve. " brandon paused, " i never cheated on you serenity, it was all a set up. i have the proof too if you don't believe me. including when i asked charlotte but she didn't want to hear any of my plan. i planned the whole situation because i found out zion had interest in you. which in my side, isn't fair that you said she was your dream girl when i was going out with her. but i started to think about the two of you together and i couldn't get the idea out of my head. because maybe you're the one who could have made her happy than me, it got in my fucking head and i played on it but looking at it now.. "

serenity didn't want to hear the bullshit, she stopped him
" so you lied to me? you lied from even cheating on me? you hurt me, from alone letting me think you cheated on me, and then this? finding out it was all a lie? when i was balled up in my room for days crying and crying? what the fuck. it was not just for me and zion to be together if you still loved me, you would have talked to me or zion. but you fucken broke me as a set up. "

serenity didn't understand why brandon did what he did or why he was revealing it now. but she let go of zion's hand, which she had been holding during the whole argument.

" i don't know what to believe at this point. was that the only set up? or is this all one joke to make me seem as the
pretty much groupie? the play around? " serenity started to tear up, " i fucken can't. " serenity runs out

this whole thing was confusing,
but serenity had been the most hurt during all of this.

" SERENITY! " zion runs after her, being confused
but knowing damn well zion's in love with her

" fuck. " edwin says

brandon realized what serenity had said about being the play around, which was no where near the truth, he had a photo of him and serenity on the counter and just threw it into the trash for the better good." oh my fucking god what did i do. "

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞.
things got intense.
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