My Bad Boys #10

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Chapter 10

You: So, do you know their crushes?♡

He looked at you with his confusion.

Argh, why did I even asked him that.

You: D—don't get me wrong. I-I was just curious alright.

Yoongi: No idea.

You: I see. How about you?

Yoongi: I don't have time for that.

He said as he stood up. Oh, he is going to leave now. He let out a deep sigh.

Yoongi: see you around, Y/N.

You: Huh? Uh, see you too, Yoongi. Thank you by the way.

You shyly said. Yoongi nodded and then he left you alone in the music room.

As he was gone you let out a sigh.

You: Now what am I going to do?

You asked yourself. You stood up and decided to visit Ms. Choi.

Walking again, alone. You prayed not to have another encounter with the "BTS" gang. As you were walking you felt like someone is walking behind you. You decided to walk a little faster. Now you hear its footsteps behind you.

Omg! I remember what Nam said to me last time that this hallway was haunted!!! And she felt like someone was following her whenever she's alone. Could it be??

You panicked thinking it's some ghost. While walking faster and faster you suddenly felt its arm in your shoulder that made you stopped and flinched at the same time. You felt like you're going to have a heart attack. Your eyes widen as your pupil shivers in fear. You slowly turn to look a the person holding your right shoulder. You felt cold all of a sudden.

You let out a sigh in relif. It's just him.
You stood up straight and face him with confidence, as if you're brave.

You: Wㅡwhat do you want?

You said nervously.

Namjoon: Can we talk.

He said coldy. It wasn't even a question, it's more like a demand.

You: Are we not talking?

You jokingly said, to make the situation a bit lighten, but you know it won't.

You saw his eyes darken even more. Woops, did I just made it worst?

Namjoon: Let's talk.

You nodded slowly.

You: Here?

Namjoon: You saw Taehyung and Seokjin fought, right? I heard from Yoongi

He said ignoring your question.

And so if I saw them? Is he going to do something to me??

You: I—is this what we're going to talk about?

You said trying to hide your emotion.

Namjoon: Don't even think telling it to uncle.

He said. Aah, he means the principal.

You: I won't.

He stood silent like he can't believe what you said.

Namjoon: Do you even know why they fought?!

He shouted angrily, that made you startled. W—what is he getting mad for? I already said I won't tell their uncle about wht happened. LOL.

You: C-cause o-of a bet.

You looked down. You heard him sigh.

Namjoon: It's all your fault. This is all your fault.

He growled and messed his hair.

You: I—I didn't even do anything wrong to them. I just stopped them from fighting.

He cursed then looked at you. You felt that he's coming closer to you. He leaned to whisper in your ear.

Namjoon: Why are you so damn beautiful.

He said softly. Your eyes widen and felt some butterflies flapping in you stomach. He rested his forehead to your shoulder. (≧(エ)≦ )

Namjoon: You're killing us one by one.

You: H—huh??

Namjoon: Why does it have to be you?

You: W-what?? I'm confused.

Namjoon: Why did they have interest in you.

W-what? Interest? In me?

Namjoon let out a sigh and then stood up straight. You saw his beautiful eyes looking at you straight.

You: W-What are you t-talking about?

You tried to laugh a bit. But he stayed serious.

Namjoon: Nothing. I'll help you go to wherever you're going.

You: N—no need, I can do it myself.

You said nervously. Keep it together Y/N.

Namjoon: Please..

He said softly that it felt good listening to it.

You: F-fine.


🦋 A/N: As I was saying, I'm super duper sorry for my low quality English. Yes, I HAVE LOW QUALITY ENGLISH. I'm so sorry (also for the typos). Yet you still read up until this chapter, gurl. I'm so thankful for having you reading this story. I'm glad you're not bored with it ♡ TYSM ILYSM ♡


🦋 YOUR VOTES AND COMMENTS INSPIRES ME TO UPDATE FAST (SORRY IF I'M SO SLOW AT UPDATING, #1 REASON: SCHOOL! #2 REASON: LAZINESS!) Also thank you for the people who voted and commented, you know who you are ♡ Thank you for the love and support! Sorry for the short update


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