Chapter 5

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(The next day...)

I woke up just as the sun started to crest the horizon. I heard a rooster crow and thought of food, which consequently caused my stomach to growl. (I know it's strange to think of food when you hear such a noise. I guess I associate hearing a rooster crow at the break of dawn with breakfast, which is totally normal...)

-A- You just can't resist a good cock, can't you?

-H- haha, very funny Ana. Give me the damn pen before I kick you out. *Sigh* this is why I can't have nice things...anyway, as we were.

I was lucky enough to know how to cook. I know, a Templar who knows how to cook? On my shit bricks! How is that even possible? Well, my dad taught me first, then I perfected my cooking methods over the years. I think its okay, but for the battalions of troops I've fed during campaigns I've been on throughout the years, they told me the stews I whipped up for them were more than 'okay.' (They used plenty of terms to describe just how great my food was.)

Hilariously enough, the irresistible aroma of my cooking lured Dorrian and Analise out of their slumber. I heard them stumble with stifled groans and hissed curses of agitation as they entered my room and sat at the small table in the kitchen as I continued to make breakfast. Luna followed suit a few moments later. I heard her knock quietly at the door, and I smiled.

"Come in," I called, only to frown as the smell of cooking ham graced my nostrils. I had seasoned the ham before everyone entered my room, so the aromas of my work permeated my humble abode by the time my friends showed up. I made sure to carefully flip the ham at increments of about ten minutes to ensure both sides of the slab of meat were evenly cooked. It would be a most egregious crime if I accidentally burned breakfast...

"It smells so good in here," She murmured as she appeared in the doorway of my room.

"Come on in. Don't starve yourself just standing there," I told her as I continued cooking the slab of seasoned ham.

She walked in and sat at the small table as I tossed a few logs into my trusty cooking fire, which accepted the fuel with a contented hiss and crackle. She took a seat beside Dorrian and glanced wearily at Analise, who looked back at her with an innocent grin on her face.

"What's up kitten?" She asked in a sweet voice.

She looked helplessly at me. Her face was easier to read than a book: 'Please help...' it declared in a feeble, delicate font.

I had busied myself with kneading some dough I had whipped up for a batch of biscuits, and I now turned to glare at the twisted red head before I transferred the readied balls of dough onto a small cast iron pan: "Enough's enough. Cut it out Ana."

She scowled, "Sod off, you fuck. Lemme have my fun."

Dorrian laughed as I turned my attention back to preparing a few salmon I had caught in a nearby creek to be cooked over the fireplace after I had placed the pan o' biscuits beside the ham : "Uh huh, have your fun Ana."

I heard Ana sigh while I cracked a few eggs into a cast iron pan and set it onto the cooking rack: "What are you implying little man?"

"Oh...nothing at all," He replied in an airy tone, "You know what they say about girls and having their fun: enough is never enough."

She groaned, "Go to hell, little man."

Dorrian was feeling pretty ballsy today, and I could tell even with my back to them.

"What? Did I say something that wasn't to your liking?" He asked in mock-innocence.

"Oh, you cow fucker..."

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