Ch 7 Little Mc'Donalds Run

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After the pool incident I was speaking to Monty or Que. I went back to my dorm for a little me time, I had to much of those boys. My roommate was gone and I had nothing to do it was a Friday night and I was in the dorms. Pretty much without Monty or Que my life was boring, ughhh, I need new friends. So I decided to check Jackd out maybe I could meet a friend or two. Before I could log on there was a knock at my door I got up to see who it was, I looked through the peep hole and it was Monty. I was going to let him stand there for a while before I answer, "I know you're in front of the door I can see your feet" he said dammit there goes my plan I thought. SO I grudgingly opened the door to let him in.

Monty: damn bitch all we did was throw you into the pool

Me: what happened if I couldn't swim I said?

Monty: then Que would have saved your little ass

Damn he was right.

Me: so

Monty: bitch I know you aint mad because I seem to remember your and my brother half naked on my bed about to have sex

Dammit he got me again

Me: we weren't about to have sex but I guess you have a point, what do you want though

Monty: its Friday and im bored lets go out

Me: don't you have other friends for that

Monty: yes, but they aren't as fun as you

Me: awe how sweet I said fakely

Monty: miss thang don't get dat ass beat today

Me: by whom I retorted

Monty: oooooo you is working my nerves gurl

I had to laugh Monty and his slang/lingo is comical at times, that was usually out relief if we had a fight. We just both started laughing to where we had tears in our eyes, that's how our friendship worked.

Monty: know that we made up lets go out

Me: ughh ok lemme go change

Luckily I knew Monty was going to come over and try to make me go out so I already had an outfit picked out. I picked out these floral print shorts with a blue button down from H&M (love that store) and paired it with a floral Obey hat and a cute tan pair of Vans. I was cute and ready to go.

Monty: damn bitch that was fast let me find out you knew I was coming he said with a smile

Me: oh I knew I laughed as we walked out of my dorm

Me and Monty went to this club called Cruze it was a cute little gay club, we danced the night away. Monty went to the bathroom and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and started to grind on me.

"you mad at me" his sweet baritone voice said vibrating my ear drums, "it depends" I said grinding back on him. "what does it depends on" he asked "what are you going to do, to make it up to me" I answered. Then I felt a warm wet sensation on my neck (my spot) he licked and sucked all on the nape of my neck, my god I was wet as hell. Omg this felt good, but it was short lived because soon as Monty came back he left, I turned around and he was gone. Que was gone.

Monty: come on you ready to go

Me: yea I said sadly

Monty: what's wrong he asked

Me: oh nothing lets go

Monty: hey let's stop by McDonalds a bitch is hungry

We pulled up to McDonalds and went inside. Damn everyone from the club must have been hungry too, it was packed. We waited in line and finally it was our turn, Monty order the big mac meal and I ordered two chicken ranch snack wrap and fries. As I was about to hand the cashier the money a hand came over me and handed him a 20, then I felt a hard body press up against mine like at the club, I have grown to recognize that body it was Que. Que towered behind me, I fit right into him he put his two arms around me and kissed my spot again.

Que: you miss me he said

Me: maybe i said

Que: good caused I missed you shorty

Me: if I turn around you're not going to disappear

Que: naw

I turned around and I was met with those lips I love to suck on. Damn......

The food came and Que took a few fries I punched him in the chest; he looked at me with puppy dog eyes awe damn he looks even cuter but I had to stick to my guns.

Me: don't do that

Que: what you hit me for then

Me: one for throwing me into the pool and two for eating my fries

Que: I paid for them

Me: I could have paid

Que: yea but I did

Monty: gurl let it go cause he aint

I just laughed and walked to the booth, Que followed me as we walked to our table I was getting mean mugged by a few females and guys. Was it because I was with Que I turned and looked at him and I didn't notice what he was wearing. This boy could get no sexier he had a pair of cargo's on with the new Jordan breds on with the marijuana socks, then he had a red bulls snap back on and a black leather vest with no shirt under it, his body looked so good greased up . No wonder I was getting so many looks.

Que: damn shorty you can have this all he said

Me: oh yea I said pulling him into a kiss, I gave them haters something to look at

Que: damn baby

I just laughed. We got to the both and started to eat out of the corner I saw Monty and Trey low key flirting, good thing Que was more focused on me. "aye shawty" he whispered in my ear I turned to look at him "let's get out of here" he said looking at me "ok" I said

We got up and started to walk out until Monty stopped us.

Monty: where is yall going?

Que: damn none of your business he said

It was cute when he got annoyed by Monty. SO I stepped in "here" I said as I tossed my keys to Monty " keep her safe" I said " no you be safe" he said to me as he winked his eye . Que had a pissed look on his face, I thought he was going to bust, so I grabbed his hand and we walked out. HE pushed me up against his car and went to work on my neck.

Que: damn shawty he breathed into my neck

Me: what I said breathing heavy

Que: nothing come one lets go

Me: where are we going I said?

Que: you trust me he said with his hand held out

I hesitated, did I trust him............................

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