Little Cunt

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I saw the anger is Que’s face. They way he looked at me scared the hell out of me. I was scared I didn’t know what to do. Que’s face was red and it looked like he was about to bust, we continued to stare at each other and then I saw Que’s most vulnerable side. He shed one tear then another and another until he was crying profusely he completely broke down I rushed over to him and consoled him. I held him in my arms as he wet my shirt. This boy had lost it and I had to just be there for him like we promised.

Que: you don’t know what this is doing to me

Me: let me in then babe

Que: I cant I cant let him in again he cannot be in my life, I was a different person when I was with him he took me to a very dark place, I almost killed him I cannot do this

Me: babe im here I will transfer rooms I will go to another building altogether we wont let him in out lives ok? Just you and me

Que: I love you he said grabbing my face and kissing me

Me: lol

Que: what he said laughing?

Me: your kiss was wet and salty

Que: oh yea he said as he tackled me and started kissing me again

Me: ewe w so wet and salty

Que: you like it

We continued to wrestle until there was a knock at the door that interrupted us. It was Mark.

Mark: can I come in?

Que: umm dad I don’t wanna talk right now

Mark: son

Que: dad not now

Mark had a defeated look on his face, he just turned around and walked back out.

Me: your going to need to talk to him eventually

Que: I will when im ready I just cant right now

Me: ok, but im going to campus to change my room

Que: you want me to come with

Me: NO! you need to stay far away from Daniel

Que: I wont try anything

Me: sure you wont lil hulk I said walking past him slapping his chest

Que: do I get a kiss

Me: nope I said smiling

Que: why not he whined like a child

Me: think about it I said walking down the stairs.


Thank god it wasn’t too late into the semester to change dorms, but by luck I got a suit in the athlete dorm, this should be most interesting, and Monty is moving in. Oh brother. But I was dreading going back to my old dorm because I knew Daniel would be there and I really didn’t want to deal with him at the moment but I had too. I walked into the dorm and there he was with some other fags watching reruns of Ru Paul.

Boy 1: yassss gurl he ate that

Boy 2: yasssssss. She was cunt and I live

Daniel: yasss gurl, cunt boots

Not really wanting to get into any of this I politely smiled and walked to my room until the devil himself spoke.

Daniel: you cant speak sis

Me: I opted for a smile instead

Boy 1: oop is she throwing shade

Me: im not a she unlike you I like my dick

Boy 2: oooo gurl she read you

Boy 1: listen fag boi I will drag you up and down this dorm

Me: honey the only thing that is dragging is your bottom lip pull it up

The boy was mad at that point and started charging at me, until Daniel stepped in .

Daniel: now ladies lets not we are more than this we don’t fight

I just rolled my eyes and went into my

room; I was not here for this shit.

Daniel: I k now you didn’t roll your eyes and walk away from me

Me: that’s what it looks like I said still walking to my room

Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, this bitch hit me. I turned around and was on full beast mode; I was going to beat a fag or two up today.

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