Ch 8 Little Trust Issues

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Did I trust him, Que caught on to my hesitation, I looked at him and it broke my heart, his face looked like he lost his best friend. I felt so bad. Que turned around and went to the car he didn't bother to open the door for me this time; I must have really hurt him. He pulled out of the parking lot and we were gone. I looked over at Que and he was just bopping his head back and forth to the music with one arm on the steering wheel, this boy looked sexy doing everything. Que sped up and I got scared so I grabbed his hand as a reflex, he looked at me and finally smiled. The Que I knew was back.

Que: you scared shawty

Me: yea how did you know?

Que: a lot of people are scared in this car

I mean who wouldn't he had a new 2014 Jeep but he had the one with no doors on it, so I could fall out anytime.

Que: you know I wouldn't hurt or let anything happen to you, I mean you may not trust me but I would protect you with my all

This made me smile, but I have heard those words before and my smile quickly vanished.

Que: we are here

Me: where is here

Que: if you get out you will see he said with his signature smirk

Me: smartass

We got out and it was beautiful it was something like out of a movie, it reminded me of the Always Be My Baby (Mariah Carey) video when she was swinging in the tire swing across the lake. Oh my God the lake was glistening in the moon light, the grass was soft, the flowers smelled good. It was beautiful and the big oak tree made it even more beautiful. Que came up behind me and placed his arm around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. At that very moment everything felt right, but I couldn't enjoy it.

Que: what's wrong he asked

Me: nothing I replied

Que turned me around so he could look at me, I was avoiding eye "look at me " he said, I couldn't do it, "LOOK AT ME" he said in his strong but gentle baritone voice. We stared at each other for a while and he kissed me his lips felt so damn good crushing against mine. "What is the matter" he said "and don't tell me nothing". I turned around and started walking towards the lake.

Me: I been here before

Que: wait I thought you were new here

Me: I am im metaphorically speaking, I been to a place like this back at home, I had a guy say the same thing you are saying to me now, I felt loved I felt happy I had everything until it all came crashing down one day. I had nothing nobody I was alone and I can't let myself get caught up. I moved here to get away from everything and im falling for the same thing I did back home

Que was silent I turned around and I didn't see him, all of a sudden I felt like gravity defied me as I was picked up off my feet and I was thrown into the lake. "OMG OMG" I was scared as fuck I didn't see anybody or anybody until something from under me grabbed me and pulled me down. God I was going to die. I was under water and opened my eyes to see it was Que. I was furious I tried to swim back to the top but he was stronger than me, he held me tight. I noticed his eyes turned a different color under water they were grey and very pretty. I was losing oxygen I couldn't breathe anymore Que felt my panic and we both swam to the top.


Que: what I wanted to have some fun he said laughing

I looked at him like he had three heads. This was not fun.

Que: shawty calm down


Que: shawty


Que didn't listen to me, I started to swim away but he grabbed me again. "listen he said as I was trying to fight him. "damn nigga fucking listen" he yelled at me. I stopped "thank you" he said.

Que: shawty I heard everything you was saying and I hear you, but that is no excuse you can't fault me for some other dude that fucked your heart up. I told you, you could trust me and I meant that, my word is my life I take it seriously. All that mushy shit I was saying to you came from my heart im all real baby you can trust me

Me: I can trust me but you threw me in this damn lake

Que: I made sure your phone wasn't on you; I know the lake is warm around this time so you wouldn't be cold, I made sure our shoes were off and made sure you got your oxygen I got you shawty he said with that damn grin

Me: you are such a smart ass I said as I laughed

All my anger I had for this boy was replaced with admiration and love and some butterflies in my stomach. Que swam to me and kissed me. It was so cute maybe he was a good guy. Que swam back to the grass and held his hand out.

Que: you trust me?

Me: yea i said with a smile

I grabbed his hand and with all my might i pulled his ass back in the lake.

Pay Back was a bitch.....

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