Little Fag BeatDown

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All I saw was red, I turned around so fast on my heels, the carpet was smoking. I looked Daniel square in the eye and before he could square up I pulled out my mace and maced the fag in the eyes and kicked him in the nuts. As he went down boy number one came charging at me, he already wanted to fight and I was beyond pissed so as soon as he ran towards I punched him square in his mouth making him bleed he spit the blood out and hit me and connected with my eye, then he tackled me he was on top I must admit he had some hands on him, but I was about to fuck him up, I grabbed my mace again and maced him in his eyes and pushed him off me, I grabbed him by his hoodie and dragged his fagget ass down the hall as I was punching him. All I saw was red and I couldn’t stop I was really dragging his ass up and down this dorm swinging him into shit, as I was still dragging him Daniel had recovered and jumped on my back. Try to get him off me I ran backwards into the wall smashing him into the wall but it didn’t help. Then he bit me on my back pulling flesh out from his teeth this fag was really about to get it. I flip his ass over off my back and he fell into the glass table shattering the table into pieces. I then got on top of him and starting beating his face in he was barely conscious, the second boy had to pull me off him.

Boy 2: stop before you kill him; trust you do not want to go to jail over this fag

Me: your friend

Boy 2: hell naw I only use him to smoke if he was my friend I would have not let you beat his ass and the other fag over there

Me: UGHHH I said

I looked around at the dorm it was torn up blood, clothes, glass, hole in the walls, this dorm was messed up. Then I looked at the first boy and he was crying about his eyes and then I looked down at Daniel, he wasn’t breathing.

I rushed over to him and a piece of glass was sticking in his back

Me: let’s get him to the hospital before he bleeds out

So me and the other boy picked Daniel up and rushed him to my car and got the other boy too, I know his eyes were on fire, I mean I wasn’t that evil to leave him there. We rushed to the hospital and they sent Daniel straight to the ER and the other boy was getting treated. I called Monty to let him know what happened he was on his way.

Boy 2: hi my name is Robin

Me: hi Robin im Kent

Me: oh forreal I thought your name was sis

I gave him the death stare that I gave Daniel and the other dude when they called me sis. Robin saw my look and put his hands up meaning no offense.

Then I see Monty running down the hall rushing to me.

Monty: are you ok?

Me: im fine

Monty: you don’t look fine you’re covered in blood

Me: I see that

Monty: it isn’t yours is it?

Me: no its Daniels

Monty: Daniel as in my bothers ex Daniel

Me: yes it is

Monty: what the fuck happened?

“We would like to know too” said a voice. I looked dup and it was a police officer, good grief I thought.

Robin: officer it was a fight started by the guy in the ER

Officer: if he started it then why is he in the ER

Monty: obviously because he got his ass beat he said in dry humor

I sunk down even lower in my seat.

Me: listen officer I will talk to you with my lawyer I said getting up and walking off

I can’t believe I allowed myself to get this rowdy and out of character and now Daniel is in the ER.

Robin: don’t worry about the cop he is my dad

Me: is that supposed to make me feel better

Robin: yes lol

Monty: I called my brother and he is on his way

Me: omg no you can’t tell him he is going to flip and Daniel has been through enough

Monty: that boy deserves to rot to what he has did to my little bother

I couldn’t even entertain Monty at the moment but I kept feeling a sharp pain in my back and I remembered that he bit me. I started to feel woozy and dizzy and the next thing I know everything is black.

When I came too I was in a hospital gown and in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV. I looked around and saw Que staring at me like a hawk.

Me: hey babe I said weakly

He didn’t answer he was just silent and stoned.

Robin: hey buddy

Monty: you came too

Me: what happened?

Monty: the doctors said that bite was deep and you were losing blood and didn’t even know it

Me: wow so I guess Daniel isn’t the only one in the ER now I joked

Robin and Monty chuckled with me.

Que: this shit isn’t funny

Me: babe

Taking a deep breathe Que got up and walked towards me gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out.

Robin: somebody has anger issues

Once again I gave Robin a look and Monty gave him a look as well, he once again put his hands up and we all laughed. I can see Robin as being in our little group, but I was more worried about Que.


Daniel POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my back, I looked around and I was in the hospital, what the fuck happened. Then I looked up again and seen Que looking over me his eyes bloodshot red and a pillow in his hand.

Que: I want you gone he said

Me: what

And then he jumped on me with the pillow suffocating me…..

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