Ch 19 Little Face Off

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We were all silent. I looked at Monty, Monty looked at me, who looked at Trey, and then Trey looked at me, who was looking Que, when Que was looking at Monty. This was one big orgy that I wanted no part of. Trey was in front if Monty and Que were in front of me, they were chest to chest like Batman and Superman neither was going to step down, it had to be the most intense 45 seconds of my life. Que raised his hand and everyone flinched, doing something surprising, Que dapped up Trey and pulled him into a bro hug. For that second we all exhaled. Trey was the first one to speak

Trey: bro I thought you was about to swing

Que: naw you my nigga, but we will talk later

Trey: gotcha

Monty: what about me

Monty was now in front of Trey looking at Que; it had looked like he was crying. It saddened my heart a little. Que moved towards Monty and pulled him into a hug and kissed him in the forehead.

Que: I love you he said and then walked out

Me: well that went well

Monty: what did you say to him?

Me: we just talked that’s all

Monty: what’s that on your finger?

Me: oh this little ole thing I said smiling

Monty: omg did my bro give you this he said excitingly

Me: mhhmm. We are official

We both started laughing and jumping like two white girls, I was happy and he was happy for us to. I excused myself to let Trey and Monty finish what they were doing and I had to go check on my man. I went to his room and he was shirtless on the bed facing the wall. I came up from behind him and started kissing his neck he started to moan and lean back on me.

Que: ummm babe right there he whispered

Me: right here daddy I said

Que: yea baby

Me: im proud of you I said in-between kisses

Que: for what

I turned him around and looked at him.

Me: im proud you made the right move instead of going off

Que: im still a little pissed that they didn’t tell me but yea

Me: they will be fine Monty can handle himself

Que: yea but still

I stopped him with a kiss on the lips; I was over the situation I just wanted to be with my man. We kissed and cuddled all night. It was a perfect day with my boyfriend.


The next day I went back to my dorms to see a bunch of boxes sitting everywhere. What the fuck was going on I thought. Then a petite light-skin boy came out of my roommate’s room.

Me: umm hi I said

Boy: oh hey.. Im Daniel your new roommate

Me: new roommate I said surprised

Daniel: yep apparently your old roommate was a drug dealer

Me: wow I missed a lot

Daniel: yep, you are never here, I been moving in all week

Me: oh im sorry I just been over my boyfriend’s house

Daniel: oh so you are gay

Me: that’s what my dick says I joked

Daniel: im gay too

Me: I couldn’t tell I said throwing a little shade

Daniel: oop shade

Me: sorry, im Kent by the way

Daniel: nice to meet you he said holding his hand out

I shook it and I studied the boy as he was studying me. He was a little short than me and he had really small feet, he was light skin with green eyes and his hair was curly and blonde (typical gay). He was deff cute and a bottom lol.

Daniel: you’re cute

Me: thanks you are too

Daniel: well im about to unpack the last of this stuff

Me: maybe I can help my boyfriend is coming over too

Daniel: does your boyfriend go here

Me: no he is in high school

Daniel: High school he said

Me: don’t worry he just turned 18

Daniel: really? What is his name

Me: Que, do you know him?

Daniel: hmm no he said turning around

Something tells me he is lying, im getting a vibe from him I don’t like.


Me: I’ll get it

I opened the door and there was Que looking sexy as ever.

Que: hey baby him said kissing me

Me: hey babe

Que: damn babe you moving out

Me: no this is not my stuff I got a new roommate

Que: good I didn’t like that nigga anyway

Me: you don’t like anybody

Que: just niggas that like you

Me: he wasn’t gay

Que: sure I was a dl dude before I know one when I see one

Me: now that I think about it he always used to come in the bathroom when I was on the shower and used to grab my ass a lot

Que: he did what

Me: oh calm down I didn’t even know you yet

Que: ok ; who is this new dude anyway

Me: his name is Daniel and this is all his shit

Que: Daniel?

Me: yea why?

Que: it couldn’t be

Daniel: but of course it is hey daddy

Me: daddy ?

Oh hell naw.

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