-♕- Chapter Three -♕-

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"Well, yes I am." I smirk back at this mysterious man.

"Then it's my lucky day miss! I would love to take you out to see this wonder sight seeings!" He bends down and kisses the top of my hand.

"I'm not that dumb to head of with a stranger." I giggled and left off the supermarket and head to the water fountain.

He stops and sits next to me, "that's true, but, don't worry. I'm not a stranger, more like a knight in a shiny armor!~"

His arm slowly wraps around my shoulder but I stop him. "Slow down mister. I'm not an easy catch and play around with. I have standards."

"Pretty and spicy! I like that."

Ladies walks by and we over heard their conversations.

"Stacy! You could marry the Prince! You're like the best looking girl ever!"

"Thanks Marcy! Tonight, i swear he will fall for me like a waterfall!"

The mysterious man laughs out of no where, "please, the prince would rather drown than fall for her!"

"Hey! Don't be rude! What do you even know about the prince's ideals?" I argued in a playful expression.

"Well I'm one of his closest buddy!"

"I can't say if that's a lie or a truth. Whatever you say!"

The mask man grabs my hand and twirls me around. Suddenly real knights came by running.

"Hey! Let's go to a place I know where no one knows!" He smiled.

Without my permission he quickly runs away with me by my hand. Thoughts were swarming around: who is this guy? Why am I feeling guilty about this?

We head to an alley way and he covers me to an area where the knights were running by.

"I think we are safe now!" He laughs, "boy they don't give up so they?"

"Who?" I asked.

"Enough little questions. Here we are!"

I look around the alley way to see trash and dirty water on the brick floor. Tiny mouses scattering for food runs away. The mask man jumps up to pull a rusty ladder down.

"Ladies first!"

This looks shady but I am curious to see what this guy have in store. I might be murdered by him who knows. I climb up first and I look down at him whose looking up at my gown.

Pink shades covers my face! "Y-You!"

"What? Keep it going! I have a pretty nice view!" He whistles.

"I want to kick you in the face but as a lady I need to find a safe place. Then beat you up!"

[ NeetSan: placed a YouTube video for a more dramatic feeling to this scene :3 check it out^^ ]

He laughs as we climbed up to a rooftop where I could see the whole village and the palace. I was speechless at the spectacular site. You can hear laughters of citizens and children cheers. The smell of so many delicious food. So much there to see. Oh I wish my parents could see this.

"This is the place I go whenever I want a break." He said and sits down on a chimney edge.

"A break from what?" I sat next to him.

"Um, like mean people. You know. I'm always judged by my title."

"Are you a noble?"

He looks at me with a slight frown, "somewhat."

"How come you're-"

"Enough of me, do you have anything that stresses you out?"

"Haha..." I smile gently, "I'm not a noble. But once. Until my family went into bankruptcy."

"I see. If I ask what's your family's name?"


He looks at me with a surprise look and stands up. "The Winchester? I haven't heard that name for years!"

His reaction made me laugh a little so I continue to tell him my story, "sadly I'm the last true blood related. You see, after my mother died. My father remarried and never had kids with my stepmother. But I gain two stepsisters."

"Let me guess they treat you bad?"


"I'm surprise yet you haven't run away from home?"

"Excuse me! I can't run away unlike you."

"True that."

"I want to stay at the home that i was born and raised. Keeps me safe."

He clasp my hands and looks in into my eyes, "that's so sweet but shouldn't you be free? At least fly like a dove?"

"Wha do you mean?"

"I run away from my troubles but I all my life i have been inside. Feeling trapped. I know I want though. As a man and as the future- I mean future noble."

"I see..."

We both stopped talking and started to look at the colorful lights shining up to the sunset sky. The masked man spoke.

"Hey out of the blues. Are you going to the ball? For Prince Osomatsu's coronation."

"I'm planning to. But my stepmother doesn't know."

"Nice!" He laughed, "don't get caught."

"Hopefully. Will you be there?"

He moves closer to me and place his warm hands on my cheek, "Yeah. Just find me with this mask I am wearing now."

"Same here." Man, my heart is beating fast. My face feels warm, not from his hands. Slowly catching up into the moment we slowly move our head in for a kiss. I push him gently away.

"Thank you for this fun trip but, I need to head back and get ready for the ball."

"Right me too."

"See you?"

"Yeah. See you later."

I step down the ladder then quickly head back home before it gets too dark. I noticed that I didn't get groceries. I hope stepmother didn't notice!

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