-♕- Chapter Seven -♕-

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[added music for more dramatic feeling^^]

"I have to go! I can't stay much long!" I huff my breath trying to breathe from all the running in high heels.

"How come?! Why reject me?! I thought we had something!" He questions with a broken heart. We both kept running without giving up. My dress started to form back into its original form and at the good timing Jyushimousu quickly found me and opens the carriage door and lets me in. But, my left glass shoe came out as I was getting on without me noticing.

"Wait! Are you heading back home?!" Osomatsu Cried out now chasing the carriage away from the palace.

"Prince!" Yelled the guards and quickly stops him by grabbing his arms to prevent him going away.

"LET ME GO! I WANT TO TALK TO HER!" He screamed, "please..."

They wouldn't let him so he watched the carriage shrink smaller and smaller as she went further. He screams once more, "I LOVE YOU!" Then he sobs in pain, "please don't go..." he softly murmured.

"We are sorry but we can't let you just go. It's for your safety." The guards apologies.

"Osomatsu!" Shouted Choromatsu, "where do you think you were going?! You dummy! You can't leave during a ball!"

Choromatsu stops scolding to see the prince being hopeless and soulless like a prisoner being chained on the wall. "Sire... does she mean a lot to you?"

"I always wanted her... ever since she came her many years ago!" He shouted, "I saw her many times over the years! I didn't have the confidence to talk to her until today!"

The butler pats the sorrow prince whose sobbing loudly, "here..." he said and placed a glass shoe in front of him.

"I'll tell you the story how her father died..." he finally said, "your father killed him."


"Naw I'm just kidding. The king had nothing do with it. It's the stepmother. I witnessed it with my eyes late at night."


"Trying to cheer you up."

"That's not funny! But! Why are you confessing now?"

"I wanted to marry Nyaa..."

"Wow... you're lower than me Choromatsu."

"Yes I am."

"I need to see her! Get the palace carriage and our best horses with speed out now!" Osomatsu commanded.

Choromatsu smiles and bows, "yes... my prince." He turns around to scream at the servants, "GO GET THE CARRIAGE READY!"

[ narrator NeetSan: the poor girl is now loosing her magic on her dress and carriage. Slowly Jyushimousu grows back his mouse tail and ears like the two horses. The carriage slowly shrinks more and more so (y/n) got out before becoming a pumpkin soup. Luckily they arrived near the house before the magic had completely vanished to thin air.  ]

"What a bumpy ride!" I shouted and quickly gathered my mice friends and the orange pumpkin back to house. I notice I was limping without any pain I look to see that I only have my right glass shoes. "Oh no! I left my other shoes at the palace!"

"Well we can't go get it now" sighed Ichimousu.

Karamousu looked really concerned, "let's go back home before stepmother comes back..."

I head in without any words thinking about those three words "I LOVE YOU!" Shouted by prince. Made me blush red shades. We can't be together as now I'm just a servant. Tonight will be the last time I'll see him!

"Oso"-rella ( Prince!Matsu X Reader series)Where stories live. Discover now