-♕- Chapter Six -♕-

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I finally arrived to see more lights shining. The carriage stopped in front of the palace red carpet. Jyushimousu helped me stepping out by grabbing my hand  and leading me to the guards.

"Where's your invitation?" One of them asked in a raspy voice from what I think is talking to many people.

"Here it is!" I passed it to him to read it.

"Oh the last Winchester! Your mother said you were sick. Feeling better?"

Of course mother made a lame excuse, "y-yes!"

At the same moment the masked man came by the entrance!

"My lady! There you are! I have been searching you every nooks and crannies!" He smiled, however, the guards stopped him from going out.

"Excuse me this lady isn't done. So she can't go in just yet."

"No worries" he smirks and pulls out a royal badge that I think only for the people who servers the royalties could obtain it.

"Oh! Choromatsu! Why didn't you just tell me that earlier!"

Choromatsu? I thought, that name sounded familiar to me but I can't recall it clearly.

"Oh! Yes! It's is I! Don't worry. This lady is my guest of honor!"

"Right!" Said the guards and made way for me to enter without Jyushimousu. The masked man was standing in front of me waiting for me to place my hand on his. So I did and follow him with lights flashing on us. All eyes are on us. Whispers and chatters about us as well. I could see my stepmother and stepsisters talking with frowns. They must be jealous. The closer we walk I could see the prince that everybody loves.

"So Choromatsu, you are the prince's buddy after all." I giggled.

"Y-yeah." He stutters.

"Have we met before? Besides today. Like in the past? Your name sounds so familiar."

"Maybe we did. Who knows." He shrugs.

The music and talking stops.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the ball of my son's coronation!" Shouted the king tapping on the wine glass siting next to get attention at once. The prince stands up for everyone to clap expect Choromatsu, "Ladies! My son will pick one of you to be his wife! And will be marry tomorrow instantly."

"What?!" I said softly enough to let Choromatsu to hear.

"So let this party start!" He laughed.

[ NeetSan: I added a ball room music for the more feeling effect! :3 ]

Slowly the music played by a small orchestra started to get louder and louder as the prince stands up to walk around and maybe wants to dance with the ladies. Hmmm the prince isn't in a talkative mood which is weird since all the news I read about him is that he's very loud and lazy.

"May I have this dance?" Asked Choromatsu whose bending slightly with his hand facing towards me. Everyone was indeed watching us, but I don't care.

"Yes!" I grabbed his hand and we waltz to the main dance floor. Choromatsu leads the way as i follow his steps with an ease. Few moments passed memories flashes through my mind. My father taught me how to dance before with a young boy. Maybe! Choromatsu is that young boy!

"Choromatsu" I smile at him and looking deep into his eyes.

"Yes my dear?" He spins me around then waltzed back to the normal dance.

"I think I remember you."

"How so? Anything involved with water?"

"What? No! Dancing silly! I danced like this with a young boy back when I was 4!"

"Oh that! That young boy wasn't me... it was with the-" his words were cut off. Same with our dance together. I look at the prince who came to whisper something to Choromatsu's ear. Every ladies followed him and screamed as they saw the prince. Choromatsu and the prince ran somewhere leaving me alone. The ladies lost them and gave me jealousy look because I look more outstanding and have a better chance to marry the prince. One of the girls came out to talk to me.

"So the pretty pretty girl that thinks she's cute!" In a mocking tone. I knew that voice was Totoko's.

"We didn't come here to look extra. Tsk a try hard."

That makes me mad! "I didn't come here to hear your jealously bickering." I quickly close my mouth after what I said to my mean stepsisters' shock reaction.

"Just who do you think you are?! We are the Winchester!" Cried Nyaa.

My sass just came out, "you don't look like one. More like trash."

Right they don't know it's me but my first fight with them made me feel the power! All the insults I kept to myself finally came free.

"Well! You! You!" The two sisters has nothing to say.

"Haha" a male laugher was heading towards me and my stepsisters, "What a spicy lady you are!"

I turn to see the prince! My face became red for thinking what if he witnessed my fight! My stepsister stands in front of me.

"OH! Oso darling!~" moaned Totoko.

"This girl is insulting me! Please kick her out along with that bitchy attitude!" Meowed Nyaa.

The prince whose wearing the masked man's mask made me confused. Where's Choromatsu?! The prince slides two hands and pushes my stepsister an opposite sides and face me.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked and holds my hand then goes to my ears and whispers, "I was Choromatsu. But I'm really Osomatsu."

My heart races fast as I thought the masked man was Choromatsu but really it was the prince in disguise! I almost kissed him! He pulls me in to another waltz.

"Are you surprise? Sorry that I lied for being Choromatsu. He's my best friend. You saved him before from drowning."

I'm still speechless from what's going on, "sorry I don't remember. Only a dance with a young boy, which now I think about it! I danced with you! It was you who was the little boy!"

"Bingo!" He smiled happily, "you remember that! Then we must be faith!"

"Wait!? What?!" I stopped following his lead and back away from his grasp.

"Miss?" He said.

"I need some fresh air!" I dashed off to the nearest door out to the garden quickly as I can. Away from the excitement. But a hand grabs onto mine.

"Wait! I want you to be by my side!" The prince shouted which got the King's attention.

"Do we have a future queen?!" The king cheered and shines the light on us.

I could hear the ladies trash talking about me.

"I-I" my words are all over the place, my heart beats much faster. The prince hugs me which made me feel safe, but, made me confused more. Osomatsu stands on one knee with everyone one watching and asked me the questions, "will you marry me?"

At the same time the bell tower rang with the stroke of 12 am.

"I have to go! I'm sorry Osomatsu..." everyone in the room gasped. I lifted my dress and head the opposite way of the party to find the carriage.

"Wait!" Cried the prince and chases after me.

"Oso"-rella ( Prince!Matsu X Reader series)Where stories live. Discover now