Chapter 8 - I'm Gonna Die

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Jordyn's P.O.V

   After hours of horror movies, we were all finally in bed. Everyone was asleep but me. We had a balcony attached to our room, I walked outside and leaned on the rail looking over the buildings. It's probably 2 or 3 am right now. I love the night. It's quiet and the stars are breathtaking. I was afraid of the dark, but I loved the night. I'm weird, I know. It's a chilly kind of warm. I heard a noise from behind me and whipped around, there stood a tried and confused Colby Brock. "Baby? What're you doing?" He questioned, tiredly. "I don't know actually, I couldn't sleep." I replied with a smile. "How come you're up?" I added. "I reached over to pull you closer and you weren't there, I panicked and checked the bathroom, and then seen you out here." He replied.

   I nodded and turned back around to face the city lights. Colby walked up next to me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer to his naked chest, god I could get used to this. We stood there, silent just staring at the stars and lights. The night was already amazing, but with Colby it was perfect.

   I smiled at the thought of us in this moment. I glanced over at the Blue Eyed boy and smiled, he's just everything I need. If only he knew my past, he probably wouldn't stay. I sighed mentally. He caught me staring and smiled, "See something you like princess?" "Yes actually, I find you to be beautiful" I replied with a smirk. He leaned in close, only to whisper in my ear, "All these stars are beautiful, but you're the most breathtaking one I've seen." I blushed, and smiled.

   We were inches apart, oh dear God I thought to myself. He's going to kiss me again. He leaned in closer, all I had to do was flinch and our lips would touch. And I did just that, I went the little way and slammed my lips into Colby's. I felt a spark against our interlocked lips.

   We pulled away, both trying to regain our breath. "Well... that, that was uh.." he started. I smiled and finished for him, "Amazing."

   We went back into the room for bed. We laid down and Colby instantly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I smiled, still in a daze, I touched my lips and they tingled. Boy if this is how it's gonna be, sign me up!

   As you might be able to tell, I never went to sleep that night until the early morning when then sun came out.

    I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and seen it was Elton, "Yeah?" I asked, sleeply. "It's time to get up dork, it's 12 we have things to do" Elton replied. I groaned and he laughed "I hate you!" I jokingly screamed to my brother. "I love you too sis!" He yelled back. Jesus Elton.

   As much as I didn't want to, I got up and went for a shower. I put on a baby blue long-sleeved crop top with the shoulders out, black leggings, my black and blue Nikes, and left my hair down. I grabbed my phone amd purse and went to the lobby where the others were.

   I heard hushed voices and came to a halt, "I kissed her Elton, twice" Colby said, worried Elton was going to swing he stepped back. I could feel Elton's glare from here. "I'm telling you right now Brock, that's my sister, my BABY sister at that. She means the world to me and so help me god, you make her cry tears that are not happy. I will end you, friends or not. Family comes first" he warned. Colby looked a little... scared. Okay, scared definitely wasn't the word, he was terrified. But quickly nodded.

   "God Elton, do you have to warn every guy with that?" I half laughed walking to the boys. He nodded and glared at Colby again. "Oh stop" I said and punched his shoulder. He scoffed and turned to face me, "you ready?" "Yeps" I replied. I turned to Colby and gave a shy smile and started to walk off behind the others to the car.

   Elton was driving, Sam in the passenger, Colby, me, and Corey all in the back seat. "Where are we going?" I asked, 5 minutes into our drive. "You'll see" was all Elton replied. I sighed and rolled my eyes, typical Elton.

    After another 10 minutes of driving we arrived at the secret place, "Oh dear god Elton, bungee jumping?" I asked. "Oh yes!" Elton yelled. I complained and tried multiple things to get out of doing this, if you couldn't guess, I'm terrified of heights. "Oh shut up!" Elton jokingly yelled.

   After the painful hike up to the top, we finally got there. "My fricking legs are numb!" I complained again to Elton, he rolled his eyes and walked away.

    We're all suited up and hooked to the bungee cord. We stood in a line. Corey, Sam, Colby, me, and Elton. I could feel my heart beating more than normal. "Corey jump!!" Elton yelled. "No!" We've been trying to get Corey to jump for the last 10 minutes now. My nervousness has been slowly turning into adrenaline.

   Next thing I know, I'm running in front of everyone and jumping off the platform and fall to the water "I'm gonna die!!" I yelled, laughing. My head barley touched the water and I was flung back up. "Wahoo!" I yelled.

   I was being pulled back up to the top, when I got there everyone's faces where priceless, Colby, Corey, and Sam where shocked and Elton was half shocked half excited. "That's my sister!" He yelled and grabbed me, hugging me tight. I laughed, Elton ran off next when he was pulled back up Corey yelled "What is with you Castees?!". Me and Elton laughed, "Adrenaline rush is what got me Cor. Usually I don't have a problem doing things like this but heights scare me. I'm normally the girl version of Elton, a daredevil." Corey rolled his eyes.

   Sam jumped and so did Colby. All the guys jumped and are soaked but Corey. "We push him" I said to Colby, Sam, and Elton. They agreed, I walked over to Corey and asked why he wouldn't jump. "The same reason why you were complaining, I'm afraid of heights." He replied. I nodded and walked behind him with Colby, I mouthed to Colby "3... 2... 1!" "Bye Corey!" I then yelled after him. And there went Corey, plunging down to the water screaming his head off.

   "He's going to kill us Colbs, get ready to run." I said laughing to Colby. And sure enough, they lifted Corey up and he did not look happy. "It was Jordyn's idea Corey! She forced me!" Colby yelled, trying to save himself. "Traitor!" I yelled at him.

    Corey was unhooked from his harness and the bungee cord and sprinted full speed towards me. I went wide eyed and screamed, taking off. I made it all the way down to the car without Corey catching me.

   The others ran down after us, Corey was right in my trail. The whole way down he was yelling. "Jordyn!", "You're dead Castee!", "You better hope I don't catch you!", ect. I have no idea where Corey went, I lost him a little back. The others were in my line of view, I started walking towards them when I was grabbed from behind. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed.

   "I told you I'd catch you Jordyn! You're dead!" Corey yelled. I gulped. "I'm sorry Cor! I'll buy you lunch!" I yelled, laughing. He put me down and turned me around, but had a death grip on my arms. "Wait, really?" He questioned. "It's the least I can do for pushing you" I replied. "Okay, I won't kill you as long as you buy me food." He said. "Deal!" The other 3 guys came over laughing.

   I glared at them. I turned to Corey and whispered in his ear, "you do know, Colby willingly helped me, right?" He looked at me, looked at Colby and glared. Next thing I know, Corey's running at Colby and Colby's running away. Oops.

    "This is definitely going to be posted tomorrow guys!" Elton yelled laughing.

    We went to a near by restaurant, where yes I bought Corey's meal. And then headed back to the hotel.

   "Tonight was amazing" I said throwing myself on mine and Colby's bed. "One of the best ones yet" Colby smiled.

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