16. Mentally Unstable.

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Dizziness was still the only thing that controlled my head as I raised it and opened by eyes. At first, I flinched back at the source of light hit my face. Then, I winced while reaching for my sore sore neck. The feeling could be compared with how you would feel in the pit of hellfire. I let out a muffled groan as my eyes widened as the sudden realisation of the mind consuming pain.

-Shhh... You're fine... You're safe... - someone's hand pushed me down gently back on the lap that my head was placed on previously. I let out a cough, not giving into the strength yet, fighting to sit up. Then, the memories flooded my mind...

How Jungkook was pinning me down and tearing my soul apart like an animal. Dear god... How badly I wanted to escape then... How much I regretted my decision to face my fears and talk to him. Every single kiss he gave me, every single bite...Every singe tear of mine, every single moan of his, every thrust... It all came back and it was just as painful.

-Mara, calm down...- I heard a familiar voice coo out as the person pushed my head into their chest. I looked around, still feeling the affect that my flashbacks had on me and my breathing pattern. I realised that I was in the back of a car, passed out on someone's lap. Who's? It was lover boy Jimin. When our gazes connected, I could see his eyes become sad even when he smiled. But when his eyes shifted from my eyes to my neck, his face changed and I could see the fury in them.

This scared me. He scared me, especially since I haven't talked to him for a month. He ran his hands through my braids, but sadly, his touch lost the affect it used to have on me ever since he used physical violence against me on the road. I wanted to get out of his grip so bad, but my body felt so weak... 

-Don't worry... You are safe...-He purred with his eyes closed. 

-What happened? -I could only manage to whisper that sentence, still feeling dizzy as hell. I heard him sigh.

Jimin's memory

We all finished with the intruders when Hoseok shot the last one of them. Our fears came true when it turned out that Eok found out our location and came to attack us inside our house. The whole place that we got used to was now stained in blood and shattered glass. 

I pulled the safety of my gun on and hooked the weapon onto my belt. I saw many other do the same and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the girl -Simmi staring at the mess with wide eyes. Then, RM gently touched her on the wrist, adverting her gaze from the corpses of some dumb inexperienced men, to him. He was soft and sharp with her. Looking at them two engage in physical contact made my mind wander to Mara. 

So I ran up the stairs and banged on Jin's room until he opened up to reveal the still unconscious girl in Jungkook's arms. I was mad to say the least. He acted like a complete idiot just to hold her again.

-You idiot! -I started to march towards them, but Jin got in my way, putting his hand on my chest, preventing me from doing something I'd regret later. He looked down at me with a strict facial expression.

-He's saying goodbye. -The more I looked at Jungkook, the more I saw his regret. His shaking hand was grazing her injured neck. I couldn't see his face, but I could see his shoulders raising up and down, indicating that our Jungkook was crying. Never have I ever seen his cry for anyone... He was rocking her body back and fourth and whispering something into her ear. I just decided to give them some peace, after all, we all knew that he wouldn't be allowed to ever see Mara again. He was just too toxic and dangerous for her.

Jin lead me out of the room only to meet RM and Simmi standing outside, waiting. Simmi lunged forward to the door, but RM just yanked her back, he was not going to make Mara speak if she wasn't ready.

-Jin... What's the plan? -RM narrowed his head, causing Jin to sigh and start speaking.

-I had a plan if this case would occur, but her presence makes things more difficult...- He signalled at Simmi, calling her the one who ruined the plan. RM just pulled her closer to himself by her wrist and spoke in a low voice.

-She's coming with me...- he earned Simmi's wide eyes, but he just had to look at her once with his scary face to make her not speak.

-In that case... There are 9 of us... 3 groups of 3 people. Me, Jungkook and Yoongi are going to Incheok. You, Hoseok and this girl will be going to Seoul. Jimin, Teahyung and Mara are going to Daegu. -I grinned when he mentioned that I'd be living with Mara without Jungkook to interrupt. RM noticed my amusement and rose his eyebrow. 

-Can I speak to Mara? For at least once? -He sighed, looking down obviously tired of her acting like a child. Jin and I looked at each other for a second before he had to let RM's hopes down.

-I'm sure that she'll come around easier if you respect her decision...

-I'll make sure to bend her on your side... -I put my hand on his shoulder and he just nodded after looking at me for a few seconds.

-Let's split up then.

As I looked around more in a more sober state I noticed the familiar brunette driving the car. 

-Taehyung?...- I grunted while sitting up, seeing the reflection of his eyes in the mirror on the ceiling. He noticed me as well.

-Oh... Hey Mara...- He greeted me awkwardly. We haven't spoke for a month and this is all we had to say to each other... I turned my head to look at the Jimin who was smiling at me oddly enough.

-Wait... Where is Jungkook? He-He needs help...- I breathed out as I remembered the boy who just lashed out by accident. He was not like that... He was a child who liked Disney movies and salmon sandwiches... He wasn't a monster, he just needed help and without me by his side... What would happen to him?

I saw Jimin's smile fade away slowly, getting replaced with his frown. My breath hitched in my throat as I feared any guy around me lashing out again. My heart just wouldn't be able to take it...

-Mara, get him out of your head. You won't see him again. -He harshly snapped at me. This broke my heart. I... No, I just... I couldn't just get him out of my head. It's impossible. I came back for him. And what did he mean by you won't see him again?! 

The sudden thought of the chance of Namjoon actually killing Jungkook this time crept up like a bitch. Tears burned my eyes and I could feel the muscles in my throat tighten once again.

-What?... What do you mean? H-He's mentally unstable, he needs help! -I barely whimpered out as Jimin rolled his eyes. 

-Oh yes, he's very mentally unstable. And you are literally the walking explanation of why. He's getting needed help, don't worry about him. - his words were harsh and obviously he was annoyed because I was once again, throwing a fit like a baby who didn't get what he wanted. That was Jungkook's influence.

-But... I can't! No, no, he needs me! -I spoke loudly with my voice breaking during almost every word as I tried to contain my tears. 

-Mara, I agree with Jimin. Both of you have to stop, because all you're doing is putting each other in danger and all of us as well. We lied for you both to RM and let's just say that you two being separated is much better. -Taehyungs strict voice interrupted my hissy fit and shut me up, but my thoughts were louder in my head than ever before.

No... He needs me... And he needs to know that I'm not mad at him! He needs to know that I forgive him! He needs to know that everything is fine... He's probably so scared now... He needs me for Christs sake! And I need him too...


(A\N) Sorry that this highkey sucks

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