Chapter II

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The alarm sounded making Fries growl as if ready to scratch someone's eyes out.
I flew from my bed. We're under attack. Since Ceres the ever seeing saved me, she has kept me with her in the castle that once belonged to Queen Lilia. Many witches also live in the castle with us. Mostly Ceres' charity cases. The castle is huge, much bigger than a human hotel and it is the number one target of vampires. But how dare those damn bastards attack us in the middle of the night. That's a new low which is expected from them.

I heard the battle before I saw it. I could sense it in the air, there are a lot of them.

"Attacking while I'm taking my beauty sleep? I fucking hate vampires!"
"Meow!" Fries agreed.
My eyes were surely glowing as I ran out the front door. Outside, there were witches everywhere. They were all on edge. Itching for the battle and so was I. It's been so long since we've had a good fight and with this anger? It's sure to be a slaughter fest.

I saw Ceres ahead of the group and before her were the group of vampires. A good old stare off before we get down to business huh?
My green mist seemed to spread covering every inch of the area and I didn't try to calm down. I scanned their group. There were around 30 or 40 vampires to our 20 witches. Despite that, we weren't outnumbered our familiars would make quick work of half of them.

I almost went mad as the minutes went by and no one would attack. I was pushed even further when Aunt Ceres did the craziest thing, she spoke to them! As if to start conversation!
"Who is your leader? Why are you here?" she demanded. She was losing her mind. That's the only explanation.
"We haven't come here for a war." A man stated, he was pushing through the crowd when he stepped forward his red eyes came to me immediately.
For a moment, I lost my breath. As if it was knocked from my lungs with the force of the ocean. His eyes took me in, studied me, as mine did him.
He had long hair which he wore in a messy man bun, he face bearded but gave the dark and handsome vibe. He was thick, muscular, and filled out his long leather coat. A 'Wanna be Dracula if this was TV, but it isn't TV. He's the enemy, Aurora. My heart raced despite my warning to it.

"We have merely come to collect." He declared still staring at me as if I were a lot of gold.
"With 30 vampires? Lies!" I cried.
Aunt Ceres gasped and glanced to me, "I take it you are King Xion, leader of the vampires?" Ceres asked.
"Yes. And I've come for my Queen."
"I never thought it would happen tonight." Ceres whispered to herself, but I heard it. "If we give her over there will be no battle tonight? The witches have long since want peace. " Ceres addressed him.
"As have the vampires. The union between my fated and I will ensure it."

"She wants peace. I do not want peace. I want the extinction of vampires. We are at a permanent impasse." I said as my magic moved. And I placed most vampires under my control, but it didn't work on 5 of them including the cocky vampire king.
"And that is why I brought 40 vampires I was told my sweet enchantress is quite powerful. I've seen for myself now." Vampire king smiled as if proud.

Did he just say sweet and enchantress in the same sentence?

"Kill him." I ordered and my enslaved vampires attacked their leader. Despite their fast attack, they were easily defeated by the unaffected vampires. The king only stood in quiet amusement watching me. It made my blood boil.

"Aurora!" Aunt Ceres screamed at me, " Why would you attack him? He has come for you. The prophecy will be fulfilled."
"All the more reason to kill the thing." I answered her," Why deny me my fun? Witches! Attack! " I tried to get my comrades to join in.
"Witches! Go back inside. There will be no fight tonight." Ceres ordered.
The submissive fools left quickly at their queen's command. But I will not follow orders like 'retreat' when my enemy stands before me.
In my rage, I hadn't even noticed when the vampire appeared beside me and took my hand, he flashed a deadly smile and scooped me up in his arms.
I let my magic rise, ready to attack just before he gently knocked me out.

Xion's POV

Her ginger curls fell in a mess over my chest and arm. It felt soft. I have waited years to have her like this. My fated.
She easily turned most of the vampires against me. She's powerful and beautiful with her head of ginger hair, emerald - green eyes, a freckled nose, plumb pink lips. She's simply gorgeous as I knew she would be. So full of sass and will, she will make a perfect queen.

A cat sat at my feet looking up at her.
"Are you coming too kitty?" I asked it.
"Meow!" The cat answered aggressively before jumping and sitting on my shoulder. "Shall I call you Leo?"

"We're leaving!" I called to those who were unaffected by my Queen's spell. The others having been knocked out or killed remained fallen on the ground.
As I took to the night with Leo the cat secured on my shoulder I called down to Ceres, "Thank you, Queen Ceres."
"Be careful of her." she replied before hurrying back into her castle, taking one last glance at my beloved.

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