Chapter XIII

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Xion's POV

I lifted her onto my horse. I wanted to take her out into the town, so she could become familiar with our ways, as well as to get her some clothes. Though I could have gotten her clothes with a simple order at the castle. I didn't want to go about it like that. I wanted Aurora to feel in control especially since so many things have happened that I knew made her feel like her life is in the hands of some power she could not see or touch.
I climbed onto the horse behind her, wrapping my arms around her to keep her close.
Thelus and a small army of my soldiers accompanied us. I wanted her protected – after what happened, I've been paranoid. We travelled in the middle, Thelus and his wife Ava leading the descent while there were soldiers to our flanks. Aurora relaxed against me, sighing with content.

This woman, my woman was slowly but surely falling for me. I couldn't wait for the moment she allowed me to catch her. That moment I believe will come when she says my name aloud. Out of pride she refuses to say my name, calling me vampire with her hateful tone. But I knew from our first kiss that she had feelings for me. It was in her taste, in her moans and sighs. It was the way she slept peacefully in my arms each morning, switching her sleep schedule so she would go down and rise with me.

Aurora the enchantress may hate vampires, but she doesn't hate me.

I remember watching her seek revenge when the morning pulled me to sleep. She was alone and filled with rage. I wanted to hold her. My hands burned with the need. I wanted to be the one who made her smile and laugh again but I knew I needed to give her time, so I did. I spent years watching her, waiting for her to be ready for me and I knew it was time when she stopped spending her nights covered in the blood of my people.

Since she's gotten here, she hasn't made any real attempts to kill anyone. She could have killed us all on her first escape. Why didn't she? I'd like to tell myself it's because deep down she knows where she belongs. With me.

"You'll get to see the capital tonight." I had told her.

"Yeah, a city full of vampires... most of whom want me dead." Was her reply.

I wanted to inform her that that would all change when she is presented as the Queen of Vampires at the coronation. I, however, knew better than to tell her that now. I would be asking for her to wreak havoc on our little trip. While she has resigned herself to staying at Koude Hel for now, my bringing up the prophecy would surely send her mood plummeting.

The air around us was filled with the sound of the snow crunching beneath the horses' hooves. My ears picked up on the steady breaths leaving Aurora and my mind drifted to thoughts of the way her breath rushes from her when we're touching. If I caressed her thigh in this moment her breathing would speed up. She would gasp but try to contain it. She would bring those green eyes to me and --. Xion don't.

Koude Hel sat atop a large hill which overlooked the largest town in my kingdom. The hill was covered in snow and connected to the witches' kingdom through a forest. The trail we took tonight would lead us into the bustling town life of my people. For vampires, nights are filled with adventures and vices while days, for the few hours that they last, are dead.
The people of my kingdom prefer to spend their time drinking from the bite lovers who come here seeking thrill, they love jewelry and money. They live for sex and love, bedding their fateds until the sun calls them to rest.

As we drew closer to the town, the sweet sound of cheer and joy hit my ears. Despite the war, vampires still find the time to be happy with their lives. They set up stalls and shops with fruit and food not for themselves but for the visitors who come to our kingdom from all over the Netherlands.  


We left our horses at the nearby stables and proceeded to stroll through the town.
I watched her like a hawk, making sure I noticed every reaction she had and the things that caught her eye as she passed them.

With our cloaks on we were not out of place, many people who passed through the city wanted to keep themselves hidden, but with the number of us present people already started to pick up that we were no regular party.
When Aurora stole an apple the stall's owner made to attack her, I intervened. Lifting my cloak, I let the man see my face. He gasped staggering back. "Your Maje--!" He went to shout. "Shh!" I brought my finger to my lips to silence him before handing him a gold coin.

The stall owner bowed repeatedly as I quickened my steps to walk in line with a still moving Aurora.

"Your Majesty – we should do the dress fittings before the town rush." Ava whispered.

If I revealed who we were we would not have to worry about the town rush. But announcing my presence with Aurora by my side all while a coup is in motion would be reckless. I needed to prioritize Aurora's safety.

"Couldn't you just have gotten someone to come to the castle?" Aurora growled at me.

"I do remember one little witch knocking out every dressmaker I left her alone with. This is better, I have the time to supervise you and Ava has volunteered to help."

Leading her by the small of her back, we entered the store.

"Ahhh! Welcome. How may I help you?" The salesman rushed towards us. He eyed our cloaks but did not question us.

"I'd like some dresses for her." I spoke trying to sound more like local folks.

"Yes! Yes of course, how much are you willing to spend?"

"The price is not of concern. I'll take whatever she likes." I dismissed him.
"Ahhh well! I have the perfect collection." The salesman grinned, we all caught glimpse of his fangs. Aurora stiffened. I felt the air thicken and I sensed her power.

"Look at me." I searched her glowing green eyes as she looked up at me.
"Calm down." I whispered to her, "He's not a threat."

She breathed in slowly trying to calm down. When she managed to, we followed the store owner as he pointed out a number of new styles that are popular with women. We were well into the search when a soldier whispered in my ear, "Your majesty there is something you need to see."

Looking down at Aurora's cloaked head I felt a sense of unease, getting her attention with a simple brush of my fingers against hers, her eyes swung to me.
She narrowed them.
"I'm stepping outside for a bit. I'll be right back in so be good while I'm gone."

"What am I? a child?" She hissed at me rolling her eyes, but I could tell by how her fingers still brushed against mine that she wanted me to stay.

"I'll be back soon." I assured her resisting the urge to kiss her lips before leaving. I settle for the top of the cloak instead.


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