Chapter XXVI

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"Our people demand justice."

"Our people? You are the Queen of Vampires who hates vampires. I know the people of this court share my sentiments when I say you cannot lead us into war. During the King's absence, you have left the castle to conduct self-investigation of coup. Claiming not to trust those of in the court. But as I have heard it was only mass murder." Shelby's words stirred emotions in the room causing the officials to murmur and whisper among themselves.

"Silence." Xion spoke calmly, "Shelby, I suggest you watch your tone."

"No, let the advisor speak, after all she knows the people best and she has seen what I have seen." My words dripped with sarcasm.

"Aurora." Xion said, his voice sexy with the command he had just given. In his own way telling me to behave. It made me hot and angry; Shelby must have thought she'd won.

"We were attacked. It's this court's responsibility to keep the citizens of this kingdom safe and we failed at that. A traitorous group was formed in this very kingdom, attempting to destroy it. I am not your enemy. I am your Queen. I have been your queen since that night, and I will continue to be. This is not a battle against witches. The enemy looks like you and moves like you. You are blinded by your compassion toward them for being like you. The people spoke, they want to avenge their king and so do I."

Shelby gritted her teeth.

"We are at war with our own." Xion declared. "If you cherish this kingdom, you must do your part in protecting it. The lords from across the kingdom have been called to send soldiers; those who refuse will immediately be assumed to be allied with the enemy. We've allied with Demon Kingdom for further assistance. If necessary, the witches will also join us."
"Our soldiers have been training for months, we must win this war if we care for our citizens." 

Mist engulfed the entire dungeon. I was fuming. The intruder proved to be quite strong willed. He kept his eyes closed no matter what I did. If I could not access his eyes, I could not discover what he knew.
"Hold him down." I ordered one guard.
"You hold his head steady." I ordered another.

"What are you doing you fucking bitch?" He thrashed against the guards.

"Hold him still!" I hissed.

I passed the blade of a knife through the flame of a fire. I heated the blade to the point where it took on the black shade of soot. Slowly, I brought the blade closer and closer to the man's face to burn the skin under his eyes. The guards looked at me as if I was crazy. And I was. I was crazy with anger and the need for vengeance.
"Hold him!" I barked at the startled guard. His eyes widened; he was terrified. When the heated metal met his skin, the flesh sizzled, the smell of burning flesh tickled my nose but I pressed on. As the intruder screamed and cried out, his eyes flew open. Before he could close them again, I held his gaze.

I stared into his eyes, his life, his soul, and I spoke to him.
"Tell me everything you know about the coup." His body went lax under the hold of the guards, and I dismissed them.

He told me his story slowly. They approached him in a bar. Cloaked men, who asked him if he wanted a change. They told him that if he hated witches, he should join them. Apparently, they had gathered more men from all over the small town in which he lived and convinced them that overthrowing the king was the only way to ensure a witch would never have control over the kingdom. They said the kingdom would fall under my control if Xion was allowed to continue to be king. He had never met the leader but the man who prepositioned him claimed to have access to the castle from the inside and said they had a guaranteed win because he would ensure it.

Seething, I resisted the urge to slit his throat. The guards returned to chain him up in a cell. He was thrown into a corner and a small package of blood was tossed to his feet. He scrambled for it and drank in two large gulps. I tusked. So, there was a traitor inside my castle. You'd think the words most powerful witch in front of my name would make people think twice before crossing me. But no, someone in this very castle, drinking and sleeping under my man's roof while plotting to kill him. I Intend to find the traitor and when I do, I will rip him to shreds myself.

"Queen Aurora!"

"Charlie! Why are you up young lady?" The tiny bloodsucker came bounding after me. Throwing her skinny arms around me, the hick ups left her violently and she was already rubbing her snot into the skirt of my dress.

"They wouldn't let me see you, even though bad men came again."
I could barely hear the words out of her mouth, but I knew she was most likely whining about thinking I've been hurt.

I gave her a moment to calm down, rolling my eyes as she sobbed dramatically.

"I'm okay, Charlie. I'm Aurora the enchantress, most powerful witch to ever the live. I'm never going to be hurt by anyone. So, stop worrying. Okay? More importantly, have they been feeding you?" I tusked, "Let's get you a late night snack and put you to bed, come along."

Third Person POV

"Did you send someone?"

"Of course I sent someone!"

"Then why aren't they back yet? This needs to be done now."

"I still think we should be gunning for Aurora instead. No offense but is just one witch. Prophecy or not we can take her."

"Aurora? You can't handle Aurora. None of us can handle Aurora; that's why this must be done now. If we let this continue our chances of winning will disappear with time."

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