Chapter IV

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Xion's POV

"Damn!" she said dramatically. I grinned. She likes it!

"Our room is the biggest room in the castle followed by the board room. We have a living room, bedroom, and a bathroom as well as two large closets. We are now standing in the living room."
"Wow... This is so amazing! Like wow. I can't even. Wow!" She rambled.
I chuckled, "You talk like a human."
"Hmm, you think so? Too much TV." She shrugged absently replying.
"Speaking of a TV. I don't normally watch it, but I had one installed for you." I told her pointing to the wall adjacent to us where I had my workers install a reasonable size television.
I kept in mind the fact that my Queen is very young and would rather TV than a game of cards or chess.
"Oh wow." She grinned.

I lead her toward the bathroom.
"Nice." She nodded looking around. I admit it was hard to not raise my chest and beam in pride. My ego was soaring.
She took a small walk around smiling as she dragged her fingers against random things.

In our bedroom, she stared at the bed and I noted the strange expression which crossed her face, sadness but was quickly replaced by annoyance.
"Do you like it?"
She gave me a side glance and frowned.
"Vampire, a nice place, a big TV and silk sheets won't change anything. I still plan on killing you and even if I don't kill you, I'm not staying."

I have waited 2 centuries to meet her, to have her nearby. It would be total madness if I let her slip away. I'm letting you go fated. Accept it.

"How unfortunate." I faked a frown, "Now you will never get to enjoy the delicious meals the chef has created."
"Delicious meals?" Her interest was sparked, I could see it in her eyes as they lit up. So, the way to this witch's heart is through her stomach.
"Vampires only drink blood." She fired, "Why would you have a chef?"
"For you of course. I want only the best for my beautiful queen."
She averted her eyes and then looked at me almost shyly, "Can we uh... try the delicious meals."

I have got her! "Of course."

I took her hand and mysted us to the kitchen in an instant.
A table at one end separated from the work area by an island. A chef and about 5 other workers working tirelessly.

I pulled out a chair for her at the table which was already half covered in a variety of dishes. Fries saw the table and didn't hesitate to jump on top of it.
"Fries sit and wait for yours." Aurora ordered sternly.
"Meow." The cat appeared to murmur. I almost laughed because it reminded me of a mother scolding her child. The black cat crossed the table approaching me instead.
He looked up with his big green eyes and gave a small 'meow'.
"Don't look at him! He won't save you." Aurora scolded. "Get down and wait for yours right now." 

Adorable Fries

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Adorable Fries

I tI took a seat at the opposite end of the table, facing Aurora and when the rest of the food arrived her eyes widened to the point where I imagined them to be two round saucers.

"Woah!" She exclaimed.
I could tell she was genuinely excited which in turn made me very pleased with myself and Thelus.
She took up her spoon slowly while stealing glances at me she looked down at her bowl of appetizer soup.
"Don't think you can tie me with food, vampire. My stomach does not make decisions for me." She warned, looking guilty.
I chuckled at her, "Eat." I told her nodding at her food.

She brought the spoon to her lips to take a sip...

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