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"Yes, we are aware of that." Natasha was saying. I was still trying to sleep, I didn't want to be woke up. I lifted my head, to see that I had been laid on the couch during the night. My I.V. had been taken out as well. I sat up and saw that Natasha had been talking to the one and only Nick Fury. Gosh, I hate that man. The reason; he runs Shield.

"I need all of you back here, now. We will get as close as we can to his tower, and all of you will begin some tests for us. Even that girl." He said flatly.

"Did you tell him that I was here?" I fumed.

"No, Skylar. He already knew. They've known for a while. Please come with us, I don't want to have to sedate you." She stated. I crossed my arms, and then turned to face Nick.

"Listen Fury, do not, under any circumstances think that you can bend my will to yours. That only happened once. Never again. Got it?" I said through gritted teeth. He just shrugged.

"Agent Romanov, follow through with the procedures that I told you to. And as for you Skylar, we have some unfinished business with you." He gave a quick, small grin and ended the call.

"Come here, I need to do something." Natasha waved me to come closer. She turned me around, and quicker than I thought to be humanly possible and handcuffed me. The locks were reinforced, and were probably bulletproof. I turned around and glared at her. "It had to be done. The energy in the cuffs should counteract your powers, so no mind tricks until Nick unlocks them. Sorry, but those are my orders." She nodded at me and left the room. I sat back down on the couch, and sighed.

Seven years. I haven't been there in seven years. If I never went back it'd be too soon.

"Why do I have to go back?" I muttered to the coffee table in front of me. The table didn't respond. I kicked it out of frustration.

"Don't abuse the furniture, it's expensive." Came Stark's voice. I stood up and showed him my handcuffs. He gave me a thumbs up when I turned back around. "It takes a lot to scare Nick, so whatever you did, fantastic job." I couldn't help but smile. He led me onto the terrace. "Can you fly like that? With your arms behind your back?" 'I can try.' I thought, but the words just rang in my head. I really was powerless. I said the same words aloud.

I opened my wings, and began my liftoff. I pumped my wings, even though it made my shoulders ache. Having my arms back cocked my shoulders at a funny angle.

About the time that I reached a good height, I heard the faint rotor roar of a plane. The only plane that sent shivers up my spine. Soon, Tony was in the air with me. He flew up towards the camouflaged air ship. I followed suit. He carried Natasha, Steve, and Dr. Banner up to the ship. While Hawkeye just shot a grappling hook up there.

As soon as my foot touched the landing dock, two giant guards seized my arms. I fought their grip, hard and fast, and beat my powerful wings against their backs. They grunted and they both pulled out hand pistols, which caused me to loose the urge to fight them. The Avengers were led in the same direction as me, but they weren't flanked by a rock and a hard place.

We reached the center room of the ship and my heart began to race, I grew light headed, and my muscles began to grow heavy. I gasped, and fell to the floor.

"Stand back, she's fine." Nick called out as he walked behind me. I heard the click as the cuffs slid off seamlessly. I was dazed, but still had my bearings. Before he could get too far I tripped him with my foot. He only proceeded to keep walking. The Avengers just looked from me to Nick and back again. I suppressed a smile.

"Skylar Mason, how nice to see you again. Do you remember this room?" Fury taunted.

"Why am I here?" I spat. He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Seems that your files weren't completely filled out from your previous visit here. We plan to finish it up."

"Why?" I raised my voice. He got right up to my ear.

"So you can be one of them." He whispered faintly. My mind went blank for a second. Me, an official Avenger. Wow. I still felt hostility towards Shield, so I wasn't completely convinced.

I was again taken by the guards, this time to a cell. Are you freaking kidding me!? I am not going to be taken prisoner by these people. But I went along with it for now. I laid my head down on the pillow that was on the bed. I was out like a light.


Really short and I'm really sorry...

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