0.5 - tweets

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I wake up, the light blistering as it shines through the window, the curtains open, pouring light into the room. I rub my eyes, taking last nights eyeliner off with it, and I sit up, my eyes still closed, not fully being able to adjust to the light as a shooting pain travels through my head, and settles there. I open my eyes, to see clo and harry sleeping on the sofa opposite, still both fast asleep. I smile slightly, the pain in my head, distracting me from paying attention to the other nine people, passed out on my living room floor. I stand up, stepping over the numerous bodies, still asleep, tip-toeing between each body. I try to rack my brain of what happened last night but nothing seems to want to rise to the surface. 

I raid the fridge and find nothing, everything either makes me want to vomit, or just the look of it makes my head hurt, so I result in a glass of water. I grab a glass from an over head cupboard, and turn the faucet so the water fills the empty glass. I turn it off and rest the glass on my forehead, slightly easing the pain. 

I sigh and take a seat at a bar stool, leaning on the island, leaning in between a gap between bottles, I shake my head and bend over and lean my head on the cool counter, as a pain goes through my nose as I do. I scratch my nose, to try and get rid of the pain, but my nail gets caught on something hard..which causes another shooting pain to go through my nose, I start to feel the round, cold, piece of metal, in my nose, which suddenly causes me to remember sitting in a chair, as a man puts a needle through my nose, and it instantly causes a shiver to go through my spine.

To be honest, I dont even mind that I got my nose pierced, because I wanted to do it anyway, just pretty glad I didn't get a tattoo, because even though I think they're so cool, and want one, they are on you for the rest of your life. I sigh and go back into the living room to see if anyone has awoken, and sadley they havent. I laugh quietly to myself as I notice, Ash is passed out underneath the sofa I was sleeping on, and he is way to tall for it and his legs completely overflow and are sprawled out the bottom. 

There is a slight knock, coming from my door and I pray that it doesnt wake anyone up, so I run to it, avoiding all the legs, before the person on the other side can attempt to wake them up again. I unbolt the door and open it slightly to see who it is. A very tired Niall Horan, stands on the other side, hands in his pockets, looking down, bags under his eyes, his eyes look dull, not glossy like usual, he looks rough, still gorgeous and handsome, but different, I havent seen him like this before. 

He looks up as I open the door slightly, and he releases, what sounds like a breath that has been held for a long time, and he opens his mouth as he is just about to speak and i put my index finger over my mouth, to signal not to talk yet, as I dont want him to disturb anyone. I mouth "One sec" and close the door, grabbing my keys off the floor, next to the door, and open the door once again, stepping outside, and shutting the door quietly behind me. 

I smile and go in for the hug but I am very much pushed back, by Niall as raises his hands to say no, as then I retract my arms, and push my hands back into my jeans pockets. 

"What the fuck Phoebe?" He asks, looking almost angry, as he stares at me, unable to meet his gaze, Im confused. 

"You want to fill me in, and please, please, not so loud" I beg, as I rub the top of my head, my hair I can feel, very much a bush, that probably is full of tangles. 

He grabs his phone out of his pocket, and pulls up the tweet, I tweeted a few hours prior. I sigh as I see the collage, two images of me and Luke, which I have to admit are good photos, even though you can tell we are both very much not with it, and a picture of my nose piercing, and what looks like a tattoo. I gasp as I see the picture of the tattoo and look at my right arm, twisting it around to see if there is a tattoo, there isnt, and I sigh a sigh of relief, and do that same with the left arm, until I come across a diamond tattoo on my inner arm, just above the inner side of the elbow. I touch it, almost as it cant be real, and I gasp as it hurts, signalling, its very much real, and I look back up to Niall, who now seems to have calmed down. 

"Whats the issue here?" I whisper, trying to avoid the pain in my head as much as possible.

"Are you taking the piss?" He sighs, ruffling his hair, turning his head in different directions, unable to make eye contact with me as I look up to him, just wanting to hug him. 

I hate it when hes angry at me, it just doesnt feel like him, hes not his cheery self and I miss him, because I know hes different because of me. "No?" I ask, very much confused about what I had done, what have I actually done? I may had done something the night before, but from my reaction, surely you'd realise I have no recolection of any of the previous nights events. 

"You get a nose peircing and tattoo without even consulting me about it, you take pictures of you and another boy, when youre kissing him and post them on twitter, you dont reply to any of my messages from last night so I've been up worrying about you the past however many hours?" He sighs as he finishes, and just stars at a place in the wall behind me. 

"Okay, right, Im an adult, so I dont have to consult you about any piercings or tattoos I get, so I dont understand why you are upset about that? and so what about Luke, we're friends? Nothing happened between us, the amount of times I brought up the fact we were married last night, and you wern't even there, so maybe if you decided not to storm out, when I decided I wanted to have a small party, you may have known that, and Im sorry, but dont you remember at the start of the night we decided to keep all of our phones out of reach, so we wouldnt have any distractions? Obviously not." I take a deep breath after I finish the long speech. 

"You tweeted after I had sent the messages." He finishes, and continues to stare at the wall behind me. 

"Is that seriously all you've got to say?" I begin to raise my voice but it hurts my head too much so I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again to see Niall now shifting his gaze to the floor, not answering my question. "Well if thats it, I think theres nothing else to say, so I'd go if I were you" I sigh and head back into the apartment without even looking back to see if Niall had made any attempt of leaving. 

"Phoebe-" He calls, but I shut the door, unable to hear him finish what he was going to say, and I shut the door quietly behind me again, viewing all the passed out bodies, in the same position as before I even left. I lean against the front door and sigh, then turning to look through the spy glass hole to see that he isnt there anymore and I just sink inside. I dont understand why we have been fighting so much, I know its only been two arguments, but I only saw him again yesterday, yesterday! and it shouldve been a happy occasion, but for us two, it was far from it. Maybe we did rush into this way too quickly, Im only eighteen for gods sake, I should be going to uni, living my life. Yet, im married and my husband is mad at me for getting a piercing that Ive wanted, actually for a couple of years, becuase I didnt ask his permission. 

I sigh and head back into the kitchen to begin to clear up. I grab a few bottles off the side and put them in a black bin bag and open the dishwasher, to then fill with all the glasses sprawled across the kitchen.

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