3.6 - makeups and breakups

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I sit on the lone couch, opposite the large mirror, partially blocked by for chairs, carefully placed. I begin to wait for Luke and the boys, placing my hands on both my knees, as I begin to think about what Im going to say to him. I sigh, tapping my feet on the wooden floor, looking down at my new fivesos tshirt and shorts. I reach up to my nose, twisting my nose ring, a habit Ive now got since I got the piercing. As I twist it, Ashton walks in first, with a smile across his face, followed by Calum, Luke and Michael at the end. I quickly pull my hand away from my nose, as my cheeks flush red, Luke looks over to me, I stand up, brushing my hair out of my face.

"We'll be hanging out with the crew if you need us," Calum hesitates, dragging Micheal's arm with him as Ashton pushes them along a little. Luke kicks the door as they leave, using his foot so it shuts, slamming slightly, making me flinch.

"Sorry.." He whispers, shoving his hands back in his pockets, as usual.

I nod slightly, looking around, bringing my hand to the back of my neck, scratching it a little, looking up to him, he presses his lips together, waiting for me to speak as he rocks back and fourth on his heels, waiting for me to speak. "Luke Im sorry.." I whisper as well, looking down, then back up to him as he nods slowly, "I apologize in advance but this is gonna be a speech.." I trail off and take a deep breath, "Alright Luke, Im sorry for being so shit, I needed you so bad and I just didnt realize and I took it out on you and just for some reason, I dont even know, just basically quit life, and felt so alone when it was all my fault. I missed you.." I look down and watch Luke walk over to me, silent, his hands still in his pocket. We both stay silent as I watch him get closer, as he rests his chin on the top of my head, leaving his hands still in his pockets. I close my eyes, breathing in his cologne, feeling his warmth that Ive missed so much.

After about a minute just standing, he brings his hands up from his pockets, and wraps his arms around my shoulders. A smile creeps across my face, I bring my arms up and wrap them around his tummy, as he squeezes me.

He rests his forehead against mine, he realizes the smile spread across my face, he smirks, bringing his hands to rest on either side of my neck, sending a shiver down my body, as he leaves a kiss on the tip of my nose, making my cheeks turn bright pink. Luke sees, letting out a small laugh, his eyes scanning my face, "I missed you.." He trails off, pinching my cheeks, I giggle and look down, for some reason feeling a little awkward. He gently tilts my head up, so our eyes meet, his blue ones, still my favourite colour, as he smiles, his eyes glimmer under the light. I squeeze my arms around his stomach, making him laugh a little as he brings his hands down, taking mine from his belly and taking them in his, his still massively bigger than mine.

We finally let go of each other, "Im really hungry.." I whine, looking around for some food, "Can we get some?" I ask, closing my eyes, trying to suppress my hunger,

"You asking me out?" He raises his eyebrows, smirking a little and I just roll my eyes, Lukes laughter his only response.

"No Im not," I giggle, pushing his chest slightly, he moves backwards, gaining his balance again, taking my hand which pushed him, "You dont have to come," I raise my eyebrows, pulling him out the door as I cant wriggle out of his grip.

"Well I am sorry to disappoint," he smirks slightly, as I pull him along,

"Yeah I kinda wanted Calum to come instead, he has a nicer bum," I tease. Luke sticks out his bottom lip, pouting, as I throw my head back laughing, "Sorry but you have to face the truth.." I shrug, as Luke hip bumps me, as we begin to walk to find the other boys.

"yeah well Ashton has a nicer bum than you," he lets out a small laugh as I raise my eyebrows, and turn away, hiding the smirk on my face.

"I bet he does!" I smirk, looking back to Luke as I let go of his hand, sliding it in my shorts pocket, walking in front of Luke a little, "can you walk next to me, because I'm self conscious that you're looking at my butt," I giggle as Luke speeds up, to walk next to me.

"You shouldn't worry, I wouldn't, because I can just look at Ashton's, I wouldn't do with second best," He lets out a loud laugh as we find the rest of the guys playing their version of American football, making me laugh as they are all changed into their blue jerseys, except for Luke. They turn to us, Michael smiling as Luke stands behind me, hanging his arms over my shoulders, bringing them over my front, playing with the fabric on the fivesos tshirt.

"Were gonna get some food," Luke says to the guys, grabbing Calum's attention,

"Can we come?" He asks, Luke sending him a death glare, Calum lifts his hands up to suggest hes in defeat and I let out a small laugh as Ashton walks up to stand in front of me.

"Alright, but Luke, you have to bring her back by latest twelve, and no drinking or naughty behaviour," Ashton pretends, and I just look up to him,

"Luke said you had a nicer bum than me," I smirk, as Michael and Calum burst into fits of laughter as Ashton tries to stifle his laugh,

"Well I know that buts that's not the point-" Luke cuts him off, as he pulls me back, walking towards the door,

"Alright bye," Luke shouts, making me laugh, pulling me out the door.


Luke walks out onto an empty street, me following closely behind. He doesn't turn around once as he powers along the pavement, "Luke!" I call to him, him still charging along. "Luke!!" I shout a little louder, wrapping my hand around his wrist, just about grabbing it, pulling him to stop. He turns around to face me, looking startled like he didn't even hear me. "Are you deaf?" I let out a small giggle, looking at the confusion spreading across his face as he furrows his eyebrows.

"What?" He asks, looking down to my hand gripping his wrist, then back up to my face.

"I was calling you! you were running, I couldn't catch up!" I let out a small laugh again, making a smile creep across Luke's face, showing his dimples slightly, his face being lit up by the dim street lights.

"Oh sorry I didn't hear you," He almost whispers, the only sounds filling the silence; the distant sirens blaring. I scan his face, looking up at him, taking in all his features, as I notice a smile creeping across his face, "You done looking at me?" I gaze up, looking in his eyes, to see he is already looking at me.

"Where are we going?" I ask, a gust of wind blows, causing goosebumps to form on my skin, as I shiver a little. Luke hands raise and begin to rub my upper arms, warming me up.

"One of my favourite restaurants," He continues to rub my arms while smiling, a smile I can far from resist.

"Oh so I don't get a say in this?" I raise my eyebrow, making him laugh slightly, teasing him, as he shakes his head no and I just shrug in response.

He turns back around, beginning to walk, again so I have to catch up, as I jog a little to walk by his side, he turns his head to face me, smiling once again; showing his incredibly cute dimples, sending another shiver down my spine. "Cold?" he asks and I just shake my head no, but that doesn't stop him from placing his arm around my shoulders, giving my right shoulder a slight squeeze, as I wrap my left arm around his waist as we walk down the dim street.

We finally get to a small Italian bistro, I don't even know where, I barely know my way around; despite it being pitch black. He opens the door for me, to walk in first, which I do. I walk in, looking around the restaurant, fairy lights giving the room a warm glow, instantly making me smile as they loop from wall to wall. Each table seating two people, as one couple in the corner, eat and laugh, as they cant keep their eyes off eachother, not even noticing that weve walked in.

Luke rests his hand on my back, leading me to a table by the back window, taking a seat from under the table, gesturing me to sit on it; which I do, "thank you," I say between my wide set smile, as a slight pink tinge sweeps across my cheeks, as he pushes my seat in, "I didnt know you could be such a gentleman."

"You've got a lot to learn," he teases, causing the pink in my cheeks to increase, turning redder by the second.

"This is such a nice view" I ask, looking out the window onto sydney harbour, watching all the boats and the city lit up at night.

"Not as good as mine," Luke catches my attention, smirking as I turn my head to look at him. I roll my eyes at his cheesy joke, making him laugh,

"You're so fucking cheesy," I tease, making him throw his head back laughing, a contagious laugh, which makes me crack a smile, and in the space of a few seconds we were both in fits of laughter.

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