part -1

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   Shravan's pov :


      "No yaar. ..I was too busy and it was hard to check  the library. .."

  She didn't finish. ..I pranced towards the library. ..

"if someone see the letter. .? "

  I couldn't imagine the worst outcome. .I neglected Sumo's shout behind me and my only objective was to take the letter back. ..

   It was the very first moment I felt a bit of detachment from sumo. childhood best friend. .she meant more than a friend for me. ..


    I acknowledged my boundless love for her and decided to confess it out of deep thoughts. someone's view, that may be too early. ..but, as of me, it was the right time as I scared of losing her on account of the higher studies plannings by papa. ..


    I sighed as I took the book that held my letter for sumo with the message how deeply I loved her. ..

  Naturally, I  should be angry with her. ..but, I wasn't. .it was a wonder that I have tolerated her at any point. .

  I kept the letter with me, hoping to give it myself to her one day. ..but,things weren't easy as I thought. ..

    it was a great misfortune for me  that my rivalry parents got divorced legally and papa decided to send me to London to keep me away from my mom. ..

  being a mom's boy, I was shattered and I needed a shoulder to console me. ..obviously, I could lean only at sumo. ..

     It wasn't the right time I guess. ..she neglected me knowingly for the reason not to let down her ego infront of her fake friends. ..she teased me. ..she laughed at me along with her friends. ..

I was shattered. ..infact, she had behaved like the same way so many times. ..but this time, my heart wrenched to mean that I wasn't her friend. ..I wasn't even a human at her eyes. ..

   I lost my temper. ..already I was flooded with the scare of losing my mom .With that, her attitude made me to shout at her. ..

" sumo. ...I thought you were a good friend of me. ..but, I was wrong. ..forget me. ..forget shravan malhothra. ..He is no more  in your life. .."

I  could feel Sumo's shock and at next moment I ran from there. ..

  " shravan. ..I didn't mean it. ..I am sorry. .."

Her apology faded away behind me. ..

That was the last time I saw her. ..I didn't visit Tiwari killa until I  leave to London. ..

   I met nanaji when she was not in home. ..He blessed me to get the best and I left india. ..

This happened ten years back when we were at teenage. .


" Hey shravan. ...dream again. .?"

   Taarun hit my back and I stepped out of my thoughts. ..I fondly stroked the letter that I have written ten years back. ..

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